Isoform-specific functions of RNA binding proteins
Presentation by Megan Schertzer
Alternative splicing regulates ~95% of multi-exon genes. It is regulated by (1) cis-acting pre-messenger RNA sequences, and (2) trans-acting RNA-binding proteins.
Project 1. Pooled RNA-IP approach to investigate variant effects on RBP binding and splicing.
Project 2. Isoform-specific functions using Cas13 knockdown and cDNA overexpression.
AS changes protein output to define cell-type or condition specific functions. Potential effects:
- Protein localization
- Nucleic acid binding
- Co-factor binding
(RBPs show isoforms themselves.)
well-established splicing factor with complex isoform structure. Alternative start sites, and 2 alternative junctions.
Cas13 RNA knockdown
Design sgRNA for junction level, knockdown and measure qPCR. High throughput, versatile (can target exons, alternative starts/ends and alternative 5’/3’ sites), targets endogeneous transcripts, doesn’t change underlying DNA locus. Disadvantages: some isoforms do not have fully unique seq for gRNA targeting, limited to studying isoforms expressed in cell type, feedback loop (?).
cDNA overexpression
- Can express any isoform of interest
- Can express isoforms at similar levels
- cleaner experiments using FLAG tag to isolate isoforms
- Disadvantage: not scalable.
- Can help to study protein localization, RNA binding
How to summarize potential functional differences of RBP isoforms and prioritize isoforms for follow-up studies?
How to scale up the cDNA overexpression system?