Group meeting, listen to talks from “The Biology of Genomes”, a conference at CSHL from May9 - May13, 2023. We listened to two talks:
“Discovering stimulatory state specific T2D GWAS mechanisms with single cell multi-omics on iPSC-derived FAP villages” by Christa Ventresca from the Stephen Parker lab,
“DragoNNFruit—Learning cis- and trans-regulation of chromatin accessibility at single base and single cell resolution” by Jacob Schreiber from the Kundaje lab.
Start a Latex document to write the Frank-Wolfe algorithm for nuclear norm matrix factorization.
Python implementation for convex optimization using Frank-Wolfe algorithm.
I observed that the linear optimization problem using \(K = 40\) principal components in the first step of the FW algorithm retains the structure of the matrix, but this is wrong!
Implement robust PCA using ADMM (Candes’ algorithm) described here. I followed (copied) the implementation by N. Dorukhan Sergin.
Clean notebook files, set up workflow for publishing NPD notebooks.
Read more about conventional PCA and weighted PCA.
GradVI runtime-per-iteration plot with \(\log_{10}\) scale.
Meeting with Matthew.
Run genlasso with large \(n\) for one simulation at the NYGC cluster.
Onboarding - Health insurance.
Genlasso running into out-of-memory error.
Make changes in GradVI to run without creating the \(\mathbb{H}\) matrix.
The GradVI trendfiltering runtime experiments have failed. Troubleshoot: 40G memory is not enough for the jobs. I removed jobs with \(n = (10^5, 10^6)\) and submitted new jobs with 100G of memory in interactive node. The idea is to run the large jobs separately for GradVI.
Simulate first order trend filtering data with less memory.
How to run GradVI without generating \(\mathbf{H}\) matrix? I derived equations for obtaining \(d_j\) without generating the \(\mathbf{H}\) matrix and made the required changes in the GradVI software to run without generating the matrix. This introduced a bug which prevents running trend filtering for higher orders.