Setup Python workbench

Here is a short documentation for the setup of my home at the NYGC cluster. I started by cloning my dotfiles from GitHub.

Directory structure

  • opt for installing software
  • software for downloading and/or developing software
  • work for experiments / simulations / analysis

Setup modules

  • Add export MODULEPATH="${MODULEPATH}:${HOME}/modulefiles" to include personal modulefiles.

Setup Miniconda

  • Download and install latest version of Miniconda (23.3.1).
  • Copy conda init script from .bashrc to opt/miniconda3/
  • Create a modulefile to initialize conda on demand. Similar issue for LMOD modulefiles.
## modulefiles conda/23.3.1

set version 23.3.1
set modroot /gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/opt/miniconda3

proc ModulesHelp { } {
        global version modroot
        puts stderr "conda/$version - adds Miniconda to PATH"

module-whatis   "Sets the environment for using Miniconda"

# Only one version at a time
conflict conda

if [module-info mode load] {
    puts stdout "source $modroot/ ;"

if [module-info mode remove] {
    puts stdout "conda deactivate ;"
    remove-path PATH $modroot/bin
    remove-path PATH $modroot/condabin

    ## unset variable names.
    ## env | grep "CONDA"
    unsetenv CONDA_SHLVL
    unsetenv CONDA_EXE
    unsetenv _CE_CONDA
    unsetenv CONDA_PYTHON_EXE

    ## unset function names
    ## declare -F
    unsetenv __conda_activate
    unsetenv __conda_exe
    unsetenv __conda_hashr
    unsetenv __conda_reactivate
    unsetenv conda

Install Python

module load gcc/11.2.0 lapack/3.10 openmpi/4.1.4
conda create --name py311 python=3.11 -c conda-forge
conda activate py311
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda install numpy scipy pandas scikit-learn matplotlib
conda install jupyterlab

Connect to JupyterLab

mkdir ~/.jupyter
cp /nfs/sw/jupyter3/jupyter3-4.1/.jupyter/ ~/.jupyter/
jupyter lab

There is no need for local port forwarding. (I want to know how it is set up, ask NYGC Cluster Linux help).

Load R libraries with Python

  • Set CXX17 path for compiling R packages
echo 'CXX17 = g++ -std=gnu++17 -fPIC' > ~/.R/Makevars
  • Create modulefile for loading environment variables (required for loading R from Python) which are not set by NYGC.
## modulefiles Renv/4.2.3

prereq R/4.2.3

set version 4.2.3
set rhome $::env(rhome)

proc ModulesHelp { } {
    global version
    puts stderr "Renv/$version - adds extra environment variables not provided by NYGC"

module-whatis "Sets the environment for using R/$version"

# Only one version at a time
conflict Renv

prepend-path    LIBRARY_PATH            $rhome/lib64/R/lib
prepend-path    CPATH                   $rhome/lib64/R/include
prepend-path    CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH       $rhome/
setenv          R_ROOT                  $rhome
setenv          R_HOME                  $rhome/lib64/R
  • Load the R module and the environment variables
module load R/4.2.3
module load Renv/4.2.3
  • Install some R packages (also checks that gcc is working)
options(Ncpus = 48)
install.packages(c("devtools", "ggplot2"))
  • Install and verify rpy2
conda install tzlocal # other dependencies are already installed while installing the previous packages
pip install rpy2
python -m rpy2.situation
>> import rpy2.robjects as robj