Choose parameters for UMAP plot


Saikat Banerjee


April 3, 2024

We look at the UMAP plots with different parameters
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import re

import umap
from bokeh.plotting import figure as bokeh_figure
from bokeh.plotting import show as bokeh_show
from bokeh.layouts import column as bokeh_column
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapper

Loading BokehJS ...
data_dir = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/data"
result_dir = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/results/nnsparsh/full/"

zscore_df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/zscore_all.pkl"))
trait_df  = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/traits_all_with_desc.pkl"))

variant_filename = f"{data_dir}/allvar.pruned.closesttss.hugo"
variant_df       = pd.read_csv(variant_filename, sep = '\t')

method = 'nnm_sparse'

res_filename = os.path.join(result_dir, f"{method}_model.pkl")
with (open(res_filename, "rb")) as fh:
    lowrank_model = pickle.load(fh)

X = np.array(zscore_df.drop(labels = ['rsid'], axis = 1).values.T)
X_cent = X - np.mean(X, axis = 0, keepdims = True)
lowX = lowrank_model['X_']
lowX_cent = lowX - np.mean(lowX, axis = 0, keepdims = True)
lowX_std = lowX_cent / np.sqrt(

print ("Nuclear Norms")
print (f"Low rank model: {np.linalg.norm(lowX, ord = 'nuc'):.3f}")
print (f"Input data: {np.linalg.norm(X, ord = 'nuc'):.3f}")
print (f"Input data (mean centered): {np.linalg.norm(X_cent, ord = 'nuc'):.3f}")
Nuclear Norms
Low rank model: 8050.750
Input data: 496751.155
Input data (mean centered): 495872.387
def compute_loadings_factors(X, k = None):
    #X_cent = mpy_simulate.do_standardize(X, scale = False)
    #X_cent /= np.sqrt(
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices = False)
    S2 = np.square(S)
    explained_variance = S2 / np.sum(S2)
    if k is None:
        k = np.where(explained_variance < 1e-12)[0][0] - 1
    U_low = U[:, :k]
    S_low = S[:k]
    factors = Vt[:k, :].T
    loadings = U_low @ np.diag(S_low)
    return U_low, S_low, loadings, factors

U0, S0, loadings0, factors0 = compute_loadings_factors(lowX, k = 100)
U1, S1, loadings1, factors1 = compute_loadings_factors(lowX_std, k = 100)
U2, S2, loadings2, factors2 = compute_loadings_factors(X_cent)

nnm_loadings  = loadings0.copy()
tsvd_loadings = U2[:, :loadings0.shape[1]] @ np.diag(S2[:loadings0.shape[1]])
hex_colors = [
    '#2D69C4', # blue
    '#CC2529', # red
    '#93AA00', # Vivid Yellowish Green
    '#535154', # gray
    '#6B4C9A', # purple
    '#FFB300', # Vivid Yellow
    '#922428', # dark brown
    '#948B3D', # olive

hex_colors_40 = [

trait_type_unique = trait_df['trait_type'].unique().tolist()
trait_type_dict = {
    trait: color for trait, color in zip(

llm_methods = [

llm_ctypes = ["community", "kmeans"]

llm_clusters = {method : { x : None for x in llm_ctypes } for method in llm_methods}
llm_outdir = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/results/llm"

for method in llm_methods:
    for ctype in llm_ctypes:
        m_filename = os.path.join(llm_outdir, f"{method}/{ctype}_clusters.pkl")
        with open(m_filename, "rb") as fh:
            llm_clusters[method][ctype] = pickle.load(fh)
def get_llm_cluster_index(selectidx, method, ctype):
    clusteridx = np.full([selectidx.shape[0],], -1)
    for i, ccomps in enumerate(llm_clusters[method][ctype]):
        for idx in ccomps:
            clusteridx[idx] = i
    return clusteridx
umap_metric_names = [

umap_embeddings = dict()
for metric in umap_metric_names:
    if metric not in umap_embeddings.keys():
        reducer = umap.UMAP(n_neighbors = 15, metric = metric, min_dist = 0.4)
        umap_embeddings[metric] = reducer.fit_transform(X)
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umap_embeddings_filepath = os.path.join("/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/results/umap",

def save_dict_to_pickle(filepath, data):
    dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath)
    if not os.path.exists(dirname):
    with open(filepath, "wb") as fh:
        pickle.dump(clusters, fh, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
save_dict_to_pickle(umap_embeddings_filepath, umap_embeddings)
def get_bokeh_plot(embedding, selectidx, clusteridx, trait_df, umap_string, color_palette = hex_colors_40):
    plot_dict = dict(
        x = embedding[selectidx, 0],
        y = embedding[selectidx, 1],
        trait_type_code = [f"{x}" for x in clusteridx],
        h2_alpha = [min(0.6, 10 * x) for x in trait_df[''].fillna(1e-6).tolist()],
        fulldesc = [f"{i} | {trait_df.loc[i, 'short_description']} | {trait_df.loc[i, '']:.3f} | {trait_df.loc[i, 'Neff']:.2f}" for i in selectidx],

    color_mapping = CategoricalColorMapper(factors = [f"{x}" for x in np.unique(clusteridx)], palette = color_palette)

    plot_tooltips = [
        ("Desc", "@fulldesc"),

    ax = bokeh_figure(
        width = 800, height = 800, 
        tooltips = plot_tooltips,
        title = umap_string ,
    )'x', 'y', size = 10, 
        source = ColumnDataSource(plot_dict), 
        color = dict(field='trait_type_code', transform = color_mapping),
        line_alpha = dict(field='h2_alpha'),
        fill_alpha = dict(field='h2_alpha'),
    ax.title.text_font_size = '20pt'
    ax.axis.major_label_text_font_size = '20pt'
    ax.axis.axis_line_width = 2
    ax.axis.major_tick_line_width = 2
    ax.grid.visible = False
    return ax
selectidx  = np.array(trait_df.index)
clusteridx = get_llm_cluster_index(selectidx, "ls-da3m0ns/bge_large_medical", "kmeans")

axlist = [get_bokeh_plot(embedding, selectidx, clusteridx, trait_df, metric) for metric, embedding in umap_embeddings.items()]

# put all the plots in a VBox
p = bokeh_column(*axlist)

# show the results
# plot_dict = dict(
#     x = tsvd_embedding[selectidx, 0],
#     y = tsvd_embedding[selectidx, 1],
#     trait_type_code = trait_df['trait_type'].tolist(),
#     desc = trait_df['description'].tolist(),
#     h2   = [f"{x:.3f}" for x in trait_df[''].tolist()],
#     Neff = [f"{x:.2f}" for x in trait_df['Neff'].tolist()],
#     tidx = list(selectidx),
#     fulldesc = [f"{trait_df.loc[i, 'short_description']} | {trait_df.loc[i, '']:.3f} | {trait_df.loc[i, 'Neff']:.2f}" for i in selectidx]
# )

# plot_tooltips = [
#     ("index", "$index"),
#     ("Desc", "@desc"),
#     ("h2", "@h2"),
#     ("N_eff", "@Neff"),
# ]
# color_mapping = CategoricalColorMapper(factors = trait_type_unique, palette = hex_colors)

selectidx = np.array(trait_df.index)

axlist = list()
for llm_method in llm_methods:
    for llm_ctype in llm_ctypes:
        clusteridx = get_llm_cluster_index(selectidx, llm_method, llm_ctype)
        alpha_factor = 10 if llm_ctype == "kmeans" else 100
        plot_title = f"{llm_method} + {llm_ctype} clustering"
        axlist.append(get_bokeh_plot(X_embedding_cosine_30_01, selectidx, clusteridx, trait_df, plot_title, alpha_factor = alpha_factor))

# put all the plots in a VBox
p = bokeh_column(*axlist)

# show the results
Figure 1