Characterization of PanUKB hidden factors


Saikat Banerjee


March 7, 2024

We attempt to characterize the latent structure of the PanUKB summary statistics using our methods.
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from adjustText import adjust_text
import textalloc

from pymir import mpl_stylesheet
from pymir import mpl_utils
mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(splinecolor = 'black', dpi = 120, colors = 'kelly')
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

import sys
import simulate as mpy_simulate
import scipy.stats as sc_stats
import collections

def q1(x, axis = None):
    return np.percentile(x, 25, axis = axis)

def q3(x, axis = None):
    return np.percentile(x, 75, axis = axis)

def iqr_outlier(x, axis = None, bar = 1.5, side = 'both'):
    assert side in ['gt', 'lt', 'both'], 'Side should be `gt`, `lt` or `both`.'

    d_iqr = sc_stats.iqr(x, axis = axis)
    d_q1 = q1(x, axis = axis)
    d_q3 = q3(x, axis = axis)
    iqr_distance = np.multiply(d_iqr, bar)

    stat_shape = list(x.shape)

    if isinstance(axis,
        for single_axis in axis:
            stat_shape[single_axis] = 1
        stat_shape[axis] = 1

    if side in ['gt', 'both']:
        upper_range = d_q3 + iqr_distance
        upper_outlier = np.greater(x - upper_range.reshape(stat_shape), 0)
    if side in ['lt', 'both']:
        lower_range = d_q1 - iqr_distance
        lower_outlier = np.less(x - lower_range.reshape(stat_shape), 0)

    if side == 'gt':
        return upper_outlier
    if side == 'lt':
        return lower_outlier
    if side == 'both':
        return np.logical_or(upper_outlier, lower_outlier)

Read data and results

data_dir = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/data"
result_dir = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/nnsparsh"
h2_cut = 0.1
pval_cut = 5e-8

zscore_df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/zscore_h2{h2_cut}_pval{pval_cut}.pkl"))
trait_df  = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/traits_h2{h2_cut}.pkl"))

variant_filename = f"{data_dir}/allvar.pruned.closesttss.hugo"
variant_df = pd.read_csv(variant_filename, sep = '\t')
z1415 z1678 z1679 z1680 z1681 z1682 z1683 z1685 z1686 z1687 ... z2473 z2474 z2475 z2476 z2477 z2479 z2480 z2481 z2482 z2483
0 3.591973 -0.038545 4.356103 -0.030974 -2.625193 -0.082182 -1.513514 2.927977 1.145769 -0.924589 ... -0.964337 1.521092 0.612532 1.405428 0.018029 -0.008761 -2.069432 -4.292948 -4.701711 2.952899
1 2.690253 2.060959 5.074098 2.131896 -2.200532 0.203585 0.053289 2.081926 1.606040 -0.265317 ... -0.158982 -0.296537 -0.734266 -0.093081 0.412077 0.716049 -2.171984 -5.314085 -6.612137 3.817518
2 4.672697 1.966395 6.363325 1.017074 -3.506709 -0.985765 -0.432902 2.834796 3.055340 -2.151471 ... 0.716255 2.222433 1.092969 2.328233 1.160767 -1.467249 -0.135785 -2.187241 -3.223529 4.508578
3 3.628734 0.377612 1.851399 -1.249221 -1.881565 -0.479096 -1.015920 0.498607 -0.294269 -1.046150 ... -1.404276 3.356354 1.990588 3.092179 -0.133810 -1.376310 1.317044 0.913491 0.535188 2.245657
4 -0.858911 -0.623239 -1.686601 -3.003435 0.532031 -0.341693 -3.777505 0.254496 0.226082 -0.322407 ... -0.536635 -0.320075 -0.128047 -0.524757 -0.232900 -0.483644 2.026508 4.400092 5.407316 1.125536
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
51394 1.342127 1.797208 -0.979370 -1.867291 0.037906 -1.162637 -3.256483 2.176569 -1.732998 -0.328859 ... 0.482023 0.714167 0.354347 0.611158 -0.354725 -0.831737 0.870924 1.432076 2.228501 0.536104
51395 -1.244520 -1.527636 1.849772 2.144946 -0.031816 2.274951 2.456148 -2.560491 -0.212461 0.982478 ... -0.110369 1.107098 1.482684 1.512723 0.322355 1.320194 -0.700092 -1.395039 -2.270186 0.360025
51396 -0.253862 0.812630 -0.711050 1.179577 -2.862653 -2.013295 2.833169 0.153290 2.138158 -2.653582 ... -0.088946 -0.562063 -1.148515 -0.994185 -0.268232 0.013256 -0.777667 -1.544760 -1.406344 2.205817
51397 -0.915597 1.668377 -0.823597 0.163447 -0.061726 0.319698 0.922030 2.559199 0.215736 0.468609 ... 0.098326 -1.185702 -0.624073 -0.859522 0.549669 0.268733 0.947441 1.533302 1.658537 2.218653
51398 1.047521 -0.022502 2.343549 -0.933287 1.285805 -1.105163 0.234492 -0.452837 -0.142916 -0.777741 ... 0.713318 0.308486 0.612102 0.492977 -0.621278 -0.732402 -0.106474 -0.029006 0.070647 -0.805253

48212 rows × 216 columns

zindex trait_type phenocode pheno_sex description description_more category BIN_QT n_cases_EUR n_controls_EUR N Neff
1414 1415 categorical 20002 both_sexes Non-cancer illness code, self-reported Code for non-cancer illness. If the participan... UK Biobank Assessment Centre > Verbal intervie... BIN 109307 311166.0 420473 161782.6684 0.125
1677 1678 biomarkers 30600 both_sexes Albumin NaN Biological samples > Assay results > Blood ass... QT 367192 NaN 367192 367192.0000 0.145
1678 1679 biomarkers 30610 both_sexes Alkaline phosphatase NaN Biological samples > Assay results > Blood ass... QT 400988 NaN 400988 400988.0000 0.205
1679 1680 biomarkers 30620 both_sexes Alanine aminotransferase NaN Biological samples > Assay results > Blood ass... QT 400822 NaN 400822 400822.0000 0.124
1680 1681 biomarkers 30630 both_sexes Apolipoprotein A NaN Biological samples > Assay results > Blood ass... QT 364987 NaN 364987 364987.0000 0.182
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2478 2479 continuous Smoking both_sexes Smoking status, ever vs never Ever (previous + current smoker) vs never base... NaN QT 418817 NaN 418817 418817.0000 0.110
2479 2480 continuous eGFR both_sexes Estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum cr... eGFR based on serum creatinine (30700) using t... NaN QT 401867 NaN 401867 401867.0000 0.207
2480 2481 continuous eGFRcreacys both_sexes Estimated glomerular filtration rate, cystain C eGFR based on cystain C (30720) using the CKD-... NaN QT 401570 NaN 401570 401570.0000 0.238
2481 2482 continuous eGFRcys both_sexes Estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum cr... eGFR based on serum creatinine (30700) and cys... NaN QT 402031 NaN 402031 402031.0000 0.224
2482 2483 continuous whr both_sexes pheno 48 / pheno 49 NaN NaN QT 420531 NaN 420531 420531.0000 0.174

216 rows × 13 columns

method_names = {
    'rpca' : 'RPCA-IALM',
    'nnm'  : 'NNM-FW',
    'nnm_sparse' : 'NNM-Sparse-FW',
lowrank_model = dict()
for m in method_names.keys():
    res_filename = os.path.join(result_dir, f"{m}_model.pkl")
    with (open(res_filename, "rb")) as fh:
        lowrank_model[m] = pickle.load(fh)
lowrank_X = dict()
for m in method_names.keys():
    if m == 'rpca':
        lowrank_X[m] = lowrank_model[m]['L_']
        lowrank_X[m] = lowrank_model[m]['X_']
def get_principal_components(X):
    X_cent = mpy_simulate.do_standardize(X, scale = False)
    X_cent /= np.sqrt(
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(X_cent, full_matrices = False)
    pcomps = U @ np.diag(S)
    loadings = Vt.T @ np.diag(S)
    return loadings, pcomps, S

loadings  = dict()
pcomps    = dict()
eigenvals = dict()

for m in method_names.keys():
    loadings[m], pcomps[m], eigenvals[m] = get_principal_components(lowrank_X[m])
trait_types  = trait_df['trait_type'].unique().tolist()
trait_colors = {trait: color for trait, color in zip(trait_types, mpl_stylesheet.banskt_colors()[:len(trait_types)])}
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
method = 'nnm_sparse'
ipc1 = 0
ipc2 = 1
trait_indices = np.array(trait_df.index)

for t in trait_types:
    selectidx = np.array(trait_df[trait_df['trait_type'] == t].index)
    tidx = np.searchsorted(trait_indices, selectidx)
    xvals = pcomps[method][tidx, ipc1]
    yvals = pcomps[method][tidx, ipc2]
    ax1.scatter(xvals, yvals, alpha = 0.7, color = trait_colors[t], label = t, s = 50)
    ax1.legend(loc = 'upper left')

# Combine outliers in x-axis and y-axis
xvals = pcomps[method][:, ipc1]
yvals = pcomps[method][:, ipc2]
outlier_idx_x = np.where(iqr_outlier(xvals, axis = 0, bar = 2.0))[0]
outlier_idx_y = np.where(iqr_outlier(yvals, axis = 0, bar = 2.0))[0]
outlier_idx = np.union1d(outlier_idx_x, outlier_idx_y)
x_center = np.mean(ax1.get_xlim())

# # Mark using adjustText package
# #
# annots = []
# for i in outlier_idx:
#     txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description'].strip()
#     if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
#         continue
#     if xvals[i] > x_center:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 6, ha = 'right')]
#     else:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 6)]
# # Adjust the annotations iteratively
# adjust_text(annots, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color = 'grey'))

# Mark using textalloc package
txt_list = []
text_idx_list = []
for i in outlier_idx:
    txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description'].strip()
    #if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
    #    continue
if len(text_idx_list) > 0:
    txt_idx = np.array(text_idx_list)
    textalloc.allocate_text(fig, ax1, xvals[txt_idx], yvals[txt_idx], txt_list,
                            x_scatter = xvals, y_scatter = yvals,
                            textsize = 8, textcolor = 'black', linecolor = 'grey')

ax1.set_xlabel(f"PC{ipc1 + 1}")
ax1.set_ylabel(f"PC{ipc2 + 1}")

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
method = 'nnm_sparse'
ipc1 = 2
ipc2 = 3
trait_indices = np.array(trait_df.index)

for t in trait_types:
    selectidx = np.array(trait_df[trait_df['trait_type'] == t].index)
    tidx = np.searchsorted(trait_indices, selectidx)
    xvals = pcomps[method][tidx, ipc1]
    yvals = pcomps[method][tidx, ipc2]
    ax1.scatter(xvals, yvals, alpha = 0.7, color = trait_colors[t], label = t, s = 50)
    ax1.legend(loc = 'upper left')

# Combine outliers in x-axis and y-axis
xvals = pcomps[method][:, ipc1]
yvals = pcomps[method][:, ipc2]
outlier_idx_x = np.where(iqr_outlier(xvals, axis = 0, bar = 4.0))[0]
outlier_idx_y = np.where(iqr_outlier(yvals, axis = 0, bar = 4.0))[0]
outlier_idx = np.union1d(outlier_idx_x, outlier_idx_y)
x_center = np.mean(ax1.get_xlim())

# Mark using adjustText package
# annots = []
# for i in outlier_idx:
#     txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description']
#     if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
#         continue
#     if xvals[i] > x_center:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 10, ha = 'right')]
#     else:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 10)]
# # Adjust the annotations iteratively
# adjust_text(annots, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color = 'grey'))

# Mark using textalloc package
txt_list = []
text_idx_list = []
for i in outlier_idx:
    txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description'].strip()
    if 'pressure' in txt:
        txt = re.sub(
            string = txt)
    #    continue
    if 'bone mineral density' in txt:
        txt = re.sub(
            pattern = r'bone mineral density \(BMD\)',
            repl = 'BMD',
            string = txt)
if len(text_idx_list) > 0:
    txt_idx = np.array(text_idx_list)
    textalloc.allocate_text(fig, ax1, xvals[txt_idx], yvals[txt_idx], txt_list,
                            x_scatter = xvals, y_scatter = yvals,
                            textsize = 8, textcolor = 'black', linecolor = 'grey')

ax1.set_xlabel(f"PC{ipc1 + 1}")
ax1.set_ylabel(f"PC{ipc2 + 1}")

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
method = 'nnm_sparse'
ipc1 = 4
ipc2 = 5
trait_indices = np.array(trait_df.index)

for t in trait_types:
    selectidx = np.array(trait_df[trait_df['trait_type'] == t].index)
    tidx = np.searchsorted(trait_indices, selectidx)
    xvals = pcomps[method][tidx, ipc1]
    yvals = pcomps[method][tidx, ipc2]
    ax1.scatter(xvals, yvals, alpha = 0.7, color = trait_colors[t], label = t, s = 50)
    ax1.legend(loc = 'upper left')

# Combine outliers in x-axis and y-axis
xvals = pcomps[method][:, ipc1]
yvals = pcomps[method][:, ipc2]
outlier_idx_x = np.where(iqr_outlier(xvals, axis = 0, bar = 4.0))[0]
outlier_idx_y = np.where(iqr_outlier(yvals, axis = 0, bar = 4.0))[0]
outlier_idx = np.union1d(outlier_idx_x, outlier_idx_y)
x_center = np.mean(ax1.get_xlim())

# Mark using adjustText package
# annots = []
# for i in outlier_idx:
#     txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description']
#     if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
#         continue
#     if xvals[i] > x_center:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 10, ha = 'right')]
#     else:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 10)]
# # Adjust the annotations iteratively
# adjust_text(annots, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color = 'grey'))

# Mark using textalloc package
txt_list = []
text_idx_list = []
for i in outlier_idx:
    txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description'].strip()
    #if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
    #    continue
if len(text_idx_list) > 0:
    txt_idx = np.array(text_idx_list)
    textalloc.allocate_text(fig, ax1, xvals[txt_idx], yvals[txt_idx], txt_list,
                            x_scatter = xvals, y_scatter = yvals,
                            textsize=8, textcolor = 'black', linecolor = 'grey')

ax1.set_xlabel(f"PC{ipc1 + 1}")
ax1.set_ylabel(f"PC{ipc2 + 1}")

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
method = 'nnm_sparse'
ipc1 = 8
ipc2 = 9
trait_indices = np.array(trait_df.index)

for t in trait_types:
    selectidx = np.array(trait_df[trait_df['trait_type'] == t].index)
    tidx = np.searchsorted(trait_indices, selectidx)
    xvals = pcomps[method][tidx, ipc1]
    yvals = pcomps[method][tidx, ipc2]
    ax1.scatter(xvals, yvals, alpha = 0.7, color = trait_colors[t], label = t, s = 50)
    ax1.legend(loc = 'upper left')

# Combine outliers in x-axis and y-axis
xvals = pcomps[method][:, ipc1]
yvals = pcomps[method][:, ipc2]
outlier_idx_x = np.where(iqr_outlier(xvals, axis = 0, bar = 3.0))[0]
outlier_idx_y = np.where(iqr_outlier(yvals, axis = 0, bar = 3.0))[0]
outlier_idx = np.union1d(outlier_idx_x, outlier_idx_y)
x_center = np.mean(ax1.get_xlim())

# Mark using adjustText package
# annots = []
# for i in outlier_idx:
#     txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description']
#     if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
#         continue
#     if xvals[i] > x_center:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 10, ha = 'right')]
#     else:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 10)]
# # Adjust the annotations iteratively
# adjust_text(annots, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color = 'grey'))

# Mark using textalloc package
txt_list = []
text_idx_list = []
for i in outlier_idx:
    txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description'].strip()
    #if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
    #    continue
if len(text_idx_list) > 0:
    txt_idx = np.array(text_idx_list)
    textalloc.allocate_text(fig, ax1, xvals[txt_idx], yvals[txt_idx], txt_list,
                            x_scatter = xvals, y_scatter = yvals,
                            textsize=8, textcolor = 'black', linecolor = 'grey')

ax1.set_xlabel(f"PC{ipc1 + 1}")
ax1.set_ylabel(f"PC{ipc2 + 1}")