Prefiltering data from PanUKB


Saikat Banerjee


January 30, 2024

We read the data from PanUKB and prefilter based on heritability and effect size.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import os
from scipy import stats as sc_stats
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sp_hierarchy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymir import mpl_stylesheet
from pymir import mpl_utils
mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(splinecolor = 'black', dpi = 120, colors = 'kelly')
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

from nnwmf.optimize import IALM
from nnwmf.optimize import FrankWolfe, FrankWolfe_CV
from nnwmf.utils import model_errors as merr

import sys
import histogram as mpy_histogram
import simulate as mpy_simulate
import plot_functions as mpy_plotfn
data_dir = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/data"
zscore_filename = f"{data_dir}/GWAS_Zscore.tsv"
trait_filename = f"{data_dir}/trait_manifest_TableS6_no_readme.tsv"
variant_filename = f"{data_dir}/allvar.pruned.closesttss.hugo"
zscore_df = pd.read_csv(zscore_filename, sep = '\t')
trait_df = pd.read_csv(trait_filename, sep = '\t')
variant_df = pd.read_csv(variant_filename, sep = '\t')

# remove extra columns from trait_df

colnames = trait_df.columns.tolist()
colnames[0] = "zindex"
trait_df.columns = colnames
trait_df_mod = trait_df.drop(labels = ['coding', 'modifier', 'coding_description', 'filename', 'aws_link'], axis=1)
zindex trait_type phenocode pheno_sex description description_more category BIN_QT n_cases_EUR n_controls_EUR N Neff
0 1 icd10 A04 both_sexes A04 Other bacterial intestinal infections truncated: true Chapter I Certain infectious and parasitic dis... BIN 3088 417443.0 420531 6130.649032 0.0033
1 2 icd10 A08 both_sexes A08 Viral and other specified intestinal infec... truncated: true Chapter I Certain infectious and parasitic dis... BIN 1107 419424.0 420531 2208.171897 0.0001
2 3 icd10 A09 both_sexes A09 Diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis of presumed... truncated: true Chapter I Certain infectious and parasitic dis... BIN 9029 411502.0 420531 17670.286180 0.0035
3 4 icd10 A41 both_sexes A41 Other septicaemia truncated: true Chapter I Certain infectious and parasitic dis... BIN 5512 415019.0 420531 10879.505810 0.0011
4 5 icd10 B34 both_sexes B34 Viral infection of unspecified site truncated: true Chapter I Certain infectious and parasitic dis... BIN 2129 418402.0 420531 4236.443249 0.0003
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2478 2479 continuous Smoking both_sexes Smoking status, ever vs never Ever (previous + current smoker) vs never base... NaN QT 418817 NaN 418817 418817.000000 0.1100
2479 2480 continuous eGFR both_sexes Estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum cr... eGFR based on serum creatinine (30700) using t... NaN QT 401867 NaN 401867 401867.000000 0.2070
2480 2481 continuous eGFRcreacys both_sexes Estimated glomerular filtration rate, cystain C eGFR based on cystain C (30720) using the CKD-... NaN QT 401570 NaN 401570 401570.000000 0.2380
2481 2482 continuous eGFRcys both_sexes Estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum cr... eGFR based on serum creatinine (30700) and cys... NaN QT 402031 NaN 402031 402031.000000 0.2240
2482 2483 continuous whr both_sexes pheno 48 / pheno 49 NaN NaN QT 420531 NaN 420531 420531.000000 0.1740

2483 rows × 13 columns

rsid z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8 z9 ... z2474 z2475 z2476 z2477 z2478 z2479 z2480 z2481 z2482 z2483
0 rs6657440 -0.903532 0.561842 0.711068 -0.109174 0.223668 -1.728199 0.374988 -0.265971 -2.823282 ... 1.521092 0.612532 1.405428 0.018029 0.895337 -0.008761 -2.069432 -4.292948 -4.701711 2.952899
1 rs7418179 0.398166 1.163539 0.512118 0.144794 -1.313903 -1.547410 0.450270 0.560324 -1.502268 ... -0.296537 -0.734266 -0.093081 0.412077 1.961159 0.716049 -2.171984 -5.314085 -6.612137 3.817518
2 rs80125161 -1.739115 -0.172328 0.349145 -0.329335 -0.870640 -1.004155 1.128148 0.151244 -1.816075 ... 2.222433 1.092969 2.328233 1.160767 0.909524 -1.467249 -0.135785 -2.187241 -3.223529 4.508578
3 rs7524174 -0.884478 -1.762000 1.312823 -0.550764 2.132540 0.519828 0.834194 0.699441 -0.885281 ... 3.356354 1.990588 3.092179 -0.133810 -0.072845 -1.376310 1.317044 0.913491 0.535188 2.245657
4 rs3829740 -1.469931 -0.519628 -0.281605 -0.267729 -1.060167 0.058116 -0.638319 -0.589767 0.228514 ... -0.320075 -0.128047 -0.524757 -0.232900 -1.051020 -0.483644 2.026508 4.400092 5.407316 1.125536
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
51394 rs9616937 -0.211947 1.371231 -1.800776 0.609980 -0.619822 0.947269 -1.166021 0.478601 -0.359714 ... 0.714167 0.354347 0.611158 -0.354725 1.073043 -0.831737 0.870924 1.432076 2.228501 0.536104
51395 rs1024374 0.027097 -1.817082 0.530216 0.813498 -0.076514 0.784427 1.411160 -1.111740 -0.224438 ... 1.107098 1.482684 1.512723 0.322355 -0.374603 1.320194 -0.700092 -1.395039 -2.270186 0.360025
51396 rs144480800 0.545682 0.391830 0.520505 -1.280976 0.453876 -1.388940 0.025094 0.737788 1.178641 ... -0.562063 -1.148515 -0.994185 -0.268232 -0.069619 0.013256 -0.777667 -1.544760 -1.406344 2.205817
51397 rs5770994 1.441851 1.152368 -1.500000 -0.468137 -0.444156 -0.780139 -0.853550 -0.316097 0.311219 ... -1.185702 -0.624073 -0.859522 0.549669 1.809912 0.268733 0.947441 1.533302 1.658537 2.218653
51398 rs9616824 0.669372 -0.308184 -0.811311 -0.154224 1.476823 0.065167 -1.030063 -0.215723 -0.631385 ... 0.308486 0.612102 0.492977 -0.621278 -2.657386 -0.732402 -0.106474 -0.029006 0.070647 -0.805253

51399 rows × 2484 columns

Save the full data

X = np.array(zscore_df.drop(labels = ['rsid'], axis = 1).values.T)
X_cent = X - np.mean(X, axis = 0, keepdims = True)

print (f"We have {X_cent.shape[0]} samples (phenotypes) and {X_cent.shape[1]} features (variants)")
print (f"Fraction of Nan entries: {np.sum(np.isnan(X)) /}")

zscore_df_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/zscore_all.pkl")
trait_df_filename  = os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/traits_all.pkl")

# zscore_df.to_pickle(zscore_df_filename)
# trait_df.to_pickle(trait_df_filename)
We have 2483 samples (phenotypes) and 51399 features (variants)
Fraction of Nan entries: 0.000

Selection for matrix completion benchmark

h2_cut = 0.1
pval_cut = 5e-8

trait_df_selected = trait_df_mod[trait_df_mod[''] > h2_cut]
zidx_selected = trait_df_selected['zindex'].values
colnames_selected = ['rsid'] + [f'z{x}' for x in zidx_selected]
zscore_df_selected = zscore_df[colnames_selected]
zcut = sc_stats.norm.ppf(1 - (pval_cut / 2))
rsid_idx_selected = []
for x in zidx_selected:
    rsid_idx_selected += zscore_df_selected[zscore_df_selected[f'z{x}'].abs() > zcut].index.to_list()
rsid_idx_selected = sorted(set(rsid_idx_selected))
zscore_df_selected = zscore_df_selected.iloc[rsid_idx_selected, :].drop(labels = ['rsid'], axis = 1)
X = np.array(zscore_df_selected.values.T)
X_cent = X - np.mean(X, axis = 0, keepdims = True)

print (f"We have {X_cent.shape[0]} samples (phenotypes) and {X_cent.shape[1]} features (variants)")
print (f"Fraction of Nan entries: {np.sum(np.isnan(X)) /}")
We have 216 samples (phenotypes) and 48212 features (variants)
Fraction of Nan entries: 0.000
def get_density(x, data):
    density = sc_stats.gaussian_kde(data)
    return density.pdf(x)

def get_bins(data, nbin, xmin, xmax):
    xdelta = (np.max(data) - np.min(data)) / 10
    if not xmin: xmin = np.min(data) - xdelta
    if not xmax: xmax = np.max(data) + xdelta
    bins = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nbin)
    xbin = [(bins[i] + bins[i+1]) / 2 for i in range(bins.shape[0] - 1)] # centers of the bins
    return xmin, xmax, bins, xbin

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

for n in range(50):
    scores_cent = X_cent[n, :]
    xmin, xmax, bins, xbin = get_bins(scores_cent, 100, -10, 10)
    curve = get_density(xbin, scores_cent)
    ax1.plot(xbin, curve)

Hierarchical clustering of covariance matrix

from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sp_hierarchy

sample_distance_matrix = np.cov(X_cent)
o1 = sp_hierarchy.leaves_list(sp_hierarchy.linkage(sample_distance_matrix, method = 'centroid'))

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
#mpy_plotfn.plot_covariance_heatmap(ax1, Z * np.sqrt(p) / np.sqrt(nsample))
mpy_plotfn.plot_covariance_heatmap(ax1, X_cent[o1, :])


Save the dataframes

zscore_df_selected_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/zscore_h2{h2_cut}_pval{pval_cut}.pkl")
trait_df_selected_filename  = os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/traits_h2{h2_cut}.pkl")

# zscore_df_selected.to_pickle(zscore_df_selected_filename)
# trait_df_selected.to_pickle(trait_df_selected_filename)
z1415 z1678 z1679 z1680 z1681 z1682 z1683 z1685 z1686 z1687 ... z2473 z2474 z2475 z2476 z2477 z2479 z2480 z2481 z2482 z2483
0 3.591973 -0.038545 4.356103 -0.030974 -2.625193 -0.082182 -1.513514 2.927977 1.145769 -0.924589 ... -0.964337 1.521092 0.612532 1.405428 0.018029 -0.008761 -2.069432 -4.292948 -4.701711 2.952899
1 2.690253 2.060959 5.074098 2.131896 -2.200532 0.203585 0.053289 2.081926 1.606040 -0.265317 ... -0.158982 -0.296537 -0.734266 -0.093081 0.412077 0.716049 -2.171984 -5.314085 -6.612137 3.817518
2 4.672697 1.966395 6.363325 1.017074 -3.506709 -0.985765 -0.432902 2.834796 3.055340 -2.151471 ... 0.716255 2.222433 1.092969 2.328233 1.160767 -1.467249 -0.135785 -2.187241 -3.223529 4.508578
3 3.628734 0.377612 1.851399 -1.249221 -1.881565 -0.479096 -1.015920 0.498607 -0.294269 -1.046150 ... -1.404276 3.356354 1.990588 3.092179 -0.133810 -1.376310 1.317044 0.913491 0.535188 2.245657
4 -0.858911 -0.623239 -1.686601 -3.003435 0.532031 -0.341693 -3.777505 0.254496 0.226082 -0.322407 ... -0.536635 -0.320075 -0.128047 -0.524757 -0.232900 -0.483644 2.026508 4.400092 5.407316 1.125536
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
51394 1.342127 1.797208 -0.979370 -1.867291 0.037906 -1.162637 -3.256483 2.176569 -1.732998 -0.328859 ... 0.482023 0.714167 0.354347 0.611158 -0.354725 -0.831737 0.870924 1.432076 2.228501 0.536104
51395 -1.244520 -1.527636 1.849772 2.144946 -0.031816 2.274951 2.456148 -2.560491 -0.212461 0.982478 ... -0.110369 1.107098 1.482684 1.512723 0.322355 1.320194 -0.700092 -1.395039 -2.270186 0.360025
51396 -0.253862 0.812630 -0.711050 1.179577 -2.862653 -2.013295 2.833169 0.153290 2.138158 -2.653582 ... -0.088946 -0.562063 -1.148515 -0.994185 -0.268232 0.013256 -0.777667 -1.544760 -1.406344 2.205817
51397 -0.915597 1.668377 -0.823597 0.163447 -0.061726 0.319698 0.922030 2.559199 0.215736 0.468609 ... 0.098326 -1.185702 -0.624073 -0.859522 0.549669 0.268733 0.947441 1.533302 1.658537 2.218653
51398 1.047521 -0.022502 2.343549 -0.933287 1.285805 -1.105163 0.234492 -0.452837 -0.142916 -0.777741 ... 0.713318 0.308486 0.612102 0.492977 -0.621278 -0.732402 -0.106474 -0.029006 0.070647 -0.805253

48212 rows × 216 columns

MHC region (hg38)

Chromosome 6: 28510120 - 33480577

variant_df.query('chr == 6 and 28510120 < pos < 33480577')
SNP chr pos ref alt rsid varid maf_EUR name_1kg tie Gene_name hgnc_id name omim_id notfound ensembl_gene_id

Save all traits excluding prescriptions

zscore_df_noRx = zscore_df[[f'z{x}' for x in trait_df.query('trait_type != "prescriptions"')['zindex'].values]]
zscore_df_Rx   = zscore_df[[f'z{x}' for x in trait_df.query('trait_type == "prescriptions"')['zindex'].values]]

X_Rx = np.array(zscore_df_Rx.values.T)
X_Rx_cent = X_Rx - np.mean(X_Rx, axis = 0, keepdims = True)

X_noRx = np.array(zscore_df_noRx.values.T)
X_noRx_cent = X_noRx - np.mean(X_noRx, axis = 0, keepdims = True)

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)

for n in range(50):
    scores_cent = X_noRx[n, :]
    xmin, xmax, bins, xbin = get_bins(scores_cent, 100, -10, 10)
    curve = get_density(xbin, scores_cent)
    ax1.plot(xbin, curve)
for n in range(50):
    scores_cent = X_Rx[n, :]
    xmin, xmax, bins, xbin = get_bins(scores_cent, 100, -10, 10)
    curve = get_density(xbin, scores_cent)
    ax2.plot(xbin, curve)

pval_cut = 5e-8

trait_df_noRx = trait_df.query('trait_type != "prescriptions"')
zidx_noRx     = trait_df_noRx['zindex'].values

# from the zscore_df, select columns corresponding to _noRx traits
colnames_noRx = [f'z{x}' for x in zidx_noRx]
zscore_df_noRx = zscore_df[colnames_noRx]

# Remove SNPs which are not significant in at least one trait
zcut = sc_stats.norm.ppf(1 - (pval_cut / 2))
zscore_df_noRx = zscore_df_noRx[(zscore_df_noRx.abs() >= zcut).any(axis = 1)]

# Save the dataframes for next step
zscore_df_noRx_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/zscore_noRx.pkl")
trait_df_noRx_filename  = os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/traits_noRx.pkl")
# zscore_df_noRx.to_pickle(zscore_df_noRx_filename)
# trait_df_noRx.to_pickle(trait_df_noRx_filename)
zscore_df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/zscore_all.pkl"))
trait_df  = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/traits_all.pkl"))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 51399 entries, 0 to 51398
Columns: 2484 entries, rsid to z2483
dtypes: float64(2483), object(1)
memory usage: 974.1+ MB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2483 entries, 0 to 2482
Data columns (total 18 columns):
 #   Column                       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                       --------------  -----  
 0   zindex                       2483 non-null   int64  
 1   trait_type                   2483 non-null   object 
 2   phenocode                    2483 non-null   object 
 3   pheno_sex                    2483 non-null   object 
 4   coding                       267 non-null    object 
 5   modifier                     394 non-null    object 
 6   description                  2110 non-null   object 
 7   description_more             1408 non-null   object 
 8   coding_description           261 non-null    object 
 9   category                     2304 non-null   object 
 10  BIN_QT                       2483 non-null   object 
 11  n_cases_EUR                  2483 non-null   int64  
 12  n_controls_EUR               1677 non-null   float64
 13  N                            2483 non-null   int64  
 14  Neff                         2483 non-null   float64
 15  filename                     2483 non-null   object 
 16  aws_link                     2483 non-null   object 
 17  2305 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(3), object(12)
memory usage: 349.3+ KB