First look at NPD phenotypes in the UKBB data


Saikat Banerjee


October 30, 2023

Low rank matrix approximation for Z-scores of NPD phenotypes in the UKBB data
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymir import mpl_stylesheet
from pymir import mpl_utils
mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(splinecolor = 'black', dpi = 120, colors = 'kelly')
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

from nnwmf.optimize import IALM
from nnwmf.optimize import FrankWolfe, FrankWolfe_CV
from nnwmf.utils import model_errors as merr

import sys
import histogram as mpy_histogram
import simulate as mpy_simulate
import plot_functions as mpy_plotfn
data_dir = "../data"
zscore_df_filename = f"{data_dir}/ukbb_zscore_df2.pkl"
zscore_df = pd.read_pickle(zscore_df_filename)

phenotype_metafile = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/UKBB/npd_phenotypes_broad_categories.tsv"
phenotype_df = pd.read_csv(phenotype_metafile, sep="\t")

n_signif_metafile = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/UKBB/npd_n_signif.tsv"
n_signif_df = pd.read_csv(n_signif_metafile, sep="\t", header = None, names = ['phenotype', 'n_signif'])
zscore_df = zscore_df.loc[:, n_signif_df.loc[n_signif_df['n_signif'] >= 4, 'phenotype']]
Phenotype Code Phenotype Name Phenotype Class Phenotype Description variable_type source n_non_missing n_missing n_controls n_cases
0 20488 Physically abused by family as a child Abuse Physically abused by family as a child ordinal phesant 117838 243356 NaN NaN
1 20107_10 Father: Alzheimer's disease/dementia Alzheimer Illnesses of father: Alzheimer's disease/dementia binary phesant 312666 48528 297644.0 15022.0
2 20110_10 Mother: Alzheimer's disease/dementia Alzheimer Illnesses of mother: Alzheimer's disease/dementia binary phesant 331041 30153 302534.0 28507.0
3 20111_10 Siblings: Alzheimer's disease/dementia Alzheimer Illnesses of siblings: Alzheimer's disease/dem... binary phesant 279062 82132 277453.0 1609.0
4 20112_10 Adopted father: Alzheimer's disease/dementia Alzheimer Illnesses of adopted father: Alzheimer's disea... binary phesant 2562 358632 2416.0 146.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
312 20499 Ever sought or received professional help for ... Stress Ever sought or received professional help for ... binary phesant 117677 243517 71657.0 46020.0
313 20500 Ever suffered mental distress preventing usual... Stress Ever suffered mental distress preventing usual... binary phesant 116527 244667 77846.0 38681.0
314 F43 Diagnoses - main ICD10: F43 Reaction to severe... Stress Diagnoses - main ICD10: F43 Reaction to severe... binary icd10 361194 0 360967.0 227.0
315 O68 Diagnoses - main ICD10: O68 Labour and deliver... Stress Diagnoses - main ICD10: O68 Labour and deliver... binary icd10 361194 0 359312.0 1882.0
316 T79 Diagnoses - main ICD10: T79 Certain early comp... Stress Diagnoses - main ICD10: T79 Certain early comp... binary icd10 361194 0 360989.0 205.0

317 rows × 10 columns

phenotype_ids = list(zscore_df.columns)
phenotype_names = [phenotype_df.loc[phenotype_df['Phenotype Code'] == x, 'Phenotype Name'].item() for x in phenotype_ids]
phenotype_categories = [phenotype_df.loc[phenotype_df['Phenotype Code'] == x, 'Phenotype Class'].item() for x in phenotype_ids]
unique_categories = list(set(phenotype_categories))

trait_indices = [np.array([i for i, x in enumerate(phenotype_categories) if x == catg]) for catg in unique_categories]
trait_colors  = {trait: color for trait, color in zip(unique_categories, (mpl_stylesheet.kelly_colors()))}
X_nan = np.array(zscore_df).T
X_nan_cent = X_nan - np.nanmean(X_nan, axis = 0, keepdims = True)
X_nan_mask = np.isnan(X_nan)
X_cent = np.nan_to_num(X_nan_cent, copy = True, nan = 0.0)

print (f"We have {X_cent.shape[0]} samples (phenotypes) and {X_cent.shape[1]} features (variants)")
print (f"Fraction of Nan entries: {np.sum(X_nan_mask) /}")
We have 81 samples (phenotypes) and 3387 features (variants)
Fraction of Nan entries: 0.000
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(X_cent, full_matrices = False)
S2 = np.square(S)
pcomp = U @ np.diag(S)

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.plot(np.arange(S.shape[0]), np.cumsum(S2 / np.sum(S2)), 'o-')
Figure 1: Proportion of variance explained by the principal components of the input matrix


1. / np.sqrt(10000)
rpca = IALM(max_iter = 10000, mu_update_method='admm', show_progress = True), mask = X_nan_mask)
2023-11-27 13:54:03,376 | nnwmf.optimize.inexact_alm               | DEBUG   | Fit RPCA using IALM (mu update admm, lamba = 0.0172)
2023-11-27 13:54:03,482 | nnwmf.optimize.inexact_alm               | INFO    | Iteration 0. Primal residual 0.866828. Dual residual 0.000320574
with open (f"{data_dir}/ukbb_npd_lowrank_X_ialm.pkl", 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(rpca.L_, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open (f"{data_dir}/ukbb_npd_lowrank_E_ialm.pkl", 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(rpca.E_, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
np.linalg.norm(X_cent, 'nuc')
nnm_sparse = FrankWolfe(model = 'nnm-sparse', max_iter = 10000, svd_max_iter = 50, 
                        tol = 1e-3, step_tol = 1e-5, simplex_method = 'sort',
                        show_progress = True, debug = True, print_skip = 100), (1024.0, 0.5))
2023-11-27 14:23:56,518 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 0. Step size 1.000. Duality Gap 3.45757e+06
2023-11-27 14:24:06,819 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 100. Step size 0.006. Duality Gap 4026.97
2023-11-27 14:24:17,141 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 200. Step size 0.002. Duality Gap 2322.95
2023-11-27 14:24:27,405 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 300. Step size 0.002. Duality Gap 1759.15
2023-11-27 14:24:37,681 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 400. Step size 0.003. Duality Gap 1873.36
2023-11-27 14:24:47,921 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 500. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 1094.16
2023-11-27 14:24:58,214 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 600. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 957.196
2023-11-27 14:25:08,429 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 700. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 925.217
2023-11-27 14:25:18,682 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 800. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 886.563
2023-11-27 14:25:28,948 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 900. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 718.781
2023-11-27 14:25:39,204 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1000. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 354.201
2023-11-27 14:25:49,466 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1100. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 647.135
2023-11-27 14:25:59,752 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1200. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 556.836
2023-11-27 14:26:10,023 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1300. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 742.643
2023-11-27 14:26:20,256 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1400. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 576.098
2023-11-27 14:26:30,513 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1500. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 439.903
2023-11-27 14:26:40,767 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1600. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 508.349
2023-11-27 14:26:51,025 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1700. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 496.27
2023-11-27 14:27:01,305 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1800. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 375.604
2023-11-27 14:27:11,549 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 1900. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 474.234
2023-11-27 14:27:21,801 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2000. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 455.82
2023-11-27 14:27:32,025 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2100. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 376.674
2023-11-27 14:27:42,283 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2200. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 343.212
2023-11-27 14:27:52,590 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2300. Step size 0.001. Duality Gap 436.296
2023-11-27 14:28:02,805 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2400. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 358.472
2023-11-27 14:28:13,035 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2500. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 222.27
2023-11-27 14:28:23,256 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2600. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 275.813
2023-11-27 14:28:33,543 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2700. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 257.902
2023-11-27 14:28:43,801 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2800. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 250.31
2023-11-27 14:28:54,026 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 2900. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 213.307
2023-11-27 14:29:04,294 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3000. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 315.758
2023-11-27 14:29:14,577 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3100. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 212.123
2023-11-27 14:29:24,817 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3200. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 120.102
2023-11-27 14:29:35,061 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3300. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 295.67
2023-11-27 14:29:43,527 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | WARNING | Step Size is less than 0. Using last valid step size.
2023-11-27 14:29:43,834 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | WARNING | Step Size is less than 0. Using last valid step size.
2023-11-27 14:29:44,553 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | WARNING | Step Size is less than 0. Using last valid step size.
2023-11-27 14:29:45,310 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3400. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 193.651
2023-11-27 14:29:50,628 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | WARNING | Step Size is less than 0. Using last valid step size.
2023-11-27 14:29:55,618 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3500. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 287.296
2023-11-27 14:30:05,878 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3600. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 33.0914
2023-11-27 14:30:16,112 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3700. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 83.4953
2023-11-27 14:30:26,388 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3800. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 204.393
2023-11-27 14:30:36,656 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 3900. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 157.054
2023-11-27 14:30:39,297 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | WARNING | Step Size is less than 0. Using last valid step size.
2023-11-27 14:30:39,806 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | WARNING | Step Size is less than 0. Using last valid step size.
2023-11-27 14:30:46,890 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 4000. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 258.058
2023-11-27 14:30:57,170 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 4100. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 183.173
2023-11-27 14:31:07,378 | nnwmf.optimize.frankwolfe                | INFO    | Iteration 4200. Step size 0.000. Duality Gap 109.968
with open (f"{data_dir}/ukbb_npd_lowrank_X_nnm_sparse.pkl", 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(nnm_sparse.X_, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open (f"{data_dir}/ukbb_npd_lowrank_E_nnm_sparse.pkl", 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(nnm_sparse.M_, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
mf_methods = ['ialm', 'nnm_sparse', 'nnm_weighted']

def get_principal_components(X):
    X_cent = mpy_simulate.do_standardize(X, scale = False)
    X_cent /= np.sqrt(
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(X_cent, full_matrices = False)
    pcomps = U @ np.diag(S)
    loadings = Vt.T @ np.diag(S)
    return loadings, pcomps, S

lowrank_X = dict()
loadings  = dict()
pcomps    = dict()
eigenvals = dict()

for method in mf_methods:
    with open (f"{data_dir}/ukbb_npd_lowrank_X_{method}.pkl", 'rb') as handle:
        lowrank_X[method] = pickle.load(handle)
loadings['tsvd'], pcomps['tsvd'], eigenvals['tsvd'] = get_principal_components(X_cent)
for m in mf_methods:
    loadings[m], pcomps[m], eigenvals[m] = get_principal_components(lowrank_X[m])
axmain, axs = mpy_plotfn.plot_principal_components(pcomps['nnm_weighted'], phenotype_categories, unique_categories)

def get_cos2_scores(pcomps):
    ntrait, npcomp = pcomps.shape
    x = np.zeros((ntrait, npcomp))
    for i in range(ntrait):
        cos2_trait = np.array([np.square(pcomps[i, pcidx]) for pcidx in range(npcomp)])
        x[i, :] = cos2_trait / np.sum(cos2_trait)
    return x

def stacked_barplot(ax, data, xlabels, colors, bar_width = 1.0, alpha = 1.0, showxlabels = False):
            dict() of scores. 
            - <key> : items for the stacked bars (e.g. traits or components)
            - <value> : list of scores for the items. All dict entries must have the same length of <value>
            label for each entry in the data <value> list. Must be of same length of data <value>
            dict(<key>, <color>) corresponding to each data <key>.
    indices = np.arange(len(xlabels))
    bottom = np.zeros(len(xlabels))

    for item, weights in data.items():, weights, bar_width, label = item, bottom = bottom, color = colors[item], alpha = alpha)
        bottom += weights

    if showxlabels:
        ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, rotation=90, ha='center')
        ax.tick_params(bottom = True, top = False, left = False, right = False,
                   labelbottom = True, labeltop = False, labelleft = False, labelright = False)
        ax.tick_params(bottom = False, top = False, left = False, right = False,
                   labelbottom = False, labeltop = False, labelleft = False, labelright = False)

    for side, border in ax.spines.items():


def structure_plot(ax, pcomps, trait_labels, comp_colors, npcomp, showxlabels = False):
    cos2_scores = get_cos2_scores(pcomps)[:, :npcomp]
    cos2_plot_data = {
        f"{i+1}" : cos2_scores[:, i] for i in range(npcomp)
    stacked_barplot(ax, cos2_plot_data, trait_labels, comp_colors, alpha = 0.8, showxlabels = showxlabels)
plot_methods = ['tsvd'] + mf_methods
plot_methods_names = {
    'tsvd' : 'Raw Data',
    'ialm' : 'RPCA-IALM',
    'nnm'  : 'NNM-FW',
    'nnm_weighted' : 'NNM-Weighted',
    'nnm_sparse' : 'NNM-Sparse-FW',
Number of components to plot
npcomp = 10
Sort the traits / phenotypes
trait_indices_sorted = list()
for idx in trait_indices:
    trait_indices_sorted += list(idx)

trait_labels_sorted = [phenotype_categories[i] for i in trait_indices_sorted]
pcomp_colors  = {f"{i+1}": color for i, color in enumerate(mpl_stylesheet.kelly_colors() + mpl_stylesheet.banskt_colors())}
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (28, 18))
gs = GridSpec(nrows = len(plot_methods) + 1, ncols=1, figure=fig, height_ratios=[0.3] + [1 for i in plot_methods])
ax = [None for i in range(len(plot_methods) + 1)]
ax[0] = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])

for i, m in enumerate(plot_methods):
    iplot = i + 1
    showxlabels = True if iplot == len(plot_methods) else False
    #showxlabels = False
    ax[iplot] = fig.add_subplot(gs[iplot, 0])
    structure_plot(ax[iplot], pcomps[m][trait_indices_sorted,:], trait_labels_sorted, pcomp_colors, npcomp, showxlabels = showxlabels)
plt_handles, plt_labels = ax[i].get_legend_handles_labels()
ax[0].legend(plt_handles, plt_labels, 
             loc = 'lower center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0), title = "Principal Components",
             frameon = False, handlelength = 8, ncol = 5)
for side, border in ax[0].spines.items():
ax[0].tick_params(bottom = False, top = False, left = False, right = False,
                   labelbottom = False, labeltop = False, labelleft = False, labelright = False)

#legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc="upper left")

plt.tight_layout(h_pad = 2.0)