Comparison of different methods using numerical experiments


Saikat Banerjee


December 29, 2023

We perform numerical experiments to compare the power and efficiency of different methods in detecting the hidden genetics factors contributing to disease pleiotropy.

Getting Setup

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import sys
import os
import dsc
from dsc.query_engine import Query_Processor as dscQP
from dsc import dsc_io

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymir import mpl_stylesheet
from pymir import mpl_utils
mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(splinecolor = 'black', dpi = 120)
def stratify_dfcol(df, colname, value):
    #return pd_utils.select_dfrows(df, [f"$({colname}) == {value}"])
    return df.loc[df[colname] == value]

def stratify_dfcols(df, condition_list):
    for (colname, value) in condition_list:
        df = stratify_dfcol(df, colname, value)
    return df

def stratify_dfcols_in_list(df, colname, values):
    return df.loc[df[colname].isin(values)]

Read Simulation Results

dsc_output = "/gpfs/commons/groups/knowles_lab/sbanerjee/low_rank_matrix_approximation_numerical_experiments/blockdiag"
dsc_fname  = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(dsc_output))
db = os.path.join(dsc_output, dsc_fname + ".db")
dscoutpkl = os.path.join("/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/lrma-dsc/dsc/results", dsc_fname + "_dscout.pkl")
dscout    = pd.read_pickle(dscoutpkl)
DSC simulate simulate.n simulate.p simulate.k simulate.h2 simulate.h2_shared_frac lowrankfit matfactor score.L_rmse score.F_rmse score.Z_rmse score.L_psnr score.F_psnr score.Z_psnr score.adj_MI
0 1 blockdiag 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 identical truncated_svd 0.244982 0.485097 0.005098 28.429593 24.712971 21.552452 0.018100
1 2 blockdiag 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 identical truncated_svd 0.264152 0.483567 0.005141 28.688465 24.252872 21.767697 0.015638
2 3 blockdiag 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 identical truncated_svd 0.252526 0.499034 0.005091 28.831802 23.687408 22.263407 0.654857
3 4 blockdiag 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 identical truncated_svd 0.285154 0.484862 0.005550 28.881899 24.282865 23.215231 0.561981
4 5 blockdiag 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 identical truncated_svd 0.292962 0.474069 0.005080 27.246965 24.492696 22.070442 0.024386
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
895 8 blockdiag_aq 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 identical factorgo 0.597619 0.720961 0.002017 20.790216 21.536737 30.477673 0.010297
896 9 blockdiag_aq 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.4 identical factorgo 0.201241 0.400942 0.002174 30.378105 26.809769 29.938074 -0.009727
897 9 blockdiag_aq 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 identical factorgo 0.509286 0.669955 0.002038 21.469111 20.631187 28.405981 0.003175
898 10 blockdiag_aq 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.4 identical factorgo 0.270847 0.429577 0.002189 28.086705 25.500348 30.518931 0.022548
899 10 blockdiag_aq 200.0 2000.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 identical factorgo 0.626669 0.756680 0.002087 19.320562 20.277492 30.701310 -0.004610

900 rows × 17 columns

Compare Methods

We use several metrics to compare the different methods.

methods = {
    "rpca" : ["rpca", "truncated_svd"],
    "nnm"  : ["nnm", "truncated_svd"],
    "nnm_sparse" : ["nnm_sparse", "truncated_svd"],
    "truncated_svd" : ["identical", "truncated_svd"],
    "factorgo" : ["identical", "factorgo"],
method_labels = {
    "rpca" : "RPCA-IALM",
    "nnm" : "NN-FW",
    "nnm_sparse" : "NN-Sparse-FW",
    "truncated_svd": "tSVD",
    "factorgo": "FactorGO",

method_colors = {
    "rpca" : '#FF6800', # Vivid Orange
    "nnm" : '#C10020', # Vivid Red
    "nnm_sparse" : '#803E75', # Strong Purple
    "truncated_svd" : '#535154', # gray
    "factorgo" : '#A6BDD7', # Very Light Blue

# Base parameters
simparams = {'p': 2000, 'k': 10, 'h2': 0.2, 'h2_shared_frac': 0.5, 'aq': 0.6}
score_names = {
    'L_rmse': r"$\| L - \hat{L}\|_F$",
    'F_rmse': r"$\| F - \hat{F}\|_F$",
    'Z_rmse': r"$\| LF^{T} - \hat{L}\hat{F}^{T}\|_F$",
    'adj_MI': "Adjusted Mutual Information Score",

# score_names = {
#     'L_psnr': r"$\| L - \hat{L}\|_F$",
#     'F_psnr': r"$\| F - \hat{F}\|_F$",
#     'Z_psnr': r"$\| LF^{T} - \hat{L}\hat{F}^{T}\|_F$",
#     'adj_MI': "Adjusted Mutual Information Score",
# }
def get_simulation_with_variable(df, var_name, var_values):
    condition = [(f'simulate.{k}', v) for k, v in simparams.items() if k != var_name]
    df1 = stratify_dfcols(df, condition)
    df2 = stratify_dfcols_in_list(df1, f'simulate.{var_name}', var_values)
    return df2

def get_scores_from_dataframe(df, score_name, variable_name, variable_values, 
        methods = methods):
    simdf = get_simulation_with_variable(df, variable_name, variable_values)
    scores = {key: list() for key in methods.keys()}
    for method, mlist in methods.items():
        mrows = stratify_dfcols(simdf, [('lowrankfit', mlist[0]), ('matfactor', mlist[1])])
        for value in variable_values:
            vrows = stratify_dfcol(mrows, f'simulate.{variable_name}', value)
    return scores
def random_jitter(xvals, yvals, d = 0.1):
    xjitter = [x + np.random.randn(len(y)) * d for x, y in zip(xvals, yvals)]
    return xjitter

def boxplot_scores(variable, variable_values, 
        methods = methods, score_names = score_names,
        dscout = dscout, method_colors = method_colors):
    nmethods = len(methods)
    nvariables = len(variable_values)
    nscores = len(score_names)
    figh = 6
    figw = (nscores * figh) + (nscores - 1)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (figw, figh))
    axs = [fig.add_subplot(1, nscores, x+1) for x in range(nscores)]
    boxs = {x: None for x in methods.keys()}
    for i, (score_name, score_label) in enumerate(score_names.items()):
        scores = get_scores_from_dataframe(dscout, score_name, variable, variable_values)
        for j, mkey in enumerate(methods.keys()):
            boxcolor = method_colors[mkey]
            boxface = f'#{boxcolor[1:]}80'
            medianprops = dict(linewidth=0, color = boxcolor)
            whiskerprops = dict(linewidth=2, color = boxcolor)
            boxprops = dict(linewidth=2, color = boxcolor, facecolor = boxface)
            flierprops = dict(marker='o', markerfacecolor=boxface, markersize=3, markeredgecolor = boxcolor)

            xpos = [x * (nmethods + 1) + j for x in range(nvariables)]
            boxs[mkey] = axs[i].boxplot(scores[mkey], positions = xpos,
                showcaps = False, showfliers = False,
                widths = 0.7, patch_artist = True, notch = False,
                flierprops = flierprops, boxprops = boxprops,
                medianprops = medianprops, whiskerprops = whiskerprops)
            axs[i].scatter(random_jitter(xpos, scores[mkey]), scores[mkey], 
                           edgecolor = boxcolor, facecolor = boxface, linewidths = 1, 
                           s = 10)

        xcenter = [x * (nmethods + 1) + (nmethods - 1) / 2 for x in range(nvariables)]
        xlim_low = 0 - (nvariables - 1) / 2
        #xlim_high = (nvariables - 1) * (nmethods + 1) + (nmethods - 1) + (nvariables - 1) / 2
        xlim_high = (nmethods + 1.5) * nvariables - 2.5
        axs[i].set_xlim( xlim_low, xlim_high )

    return axs, boxs

variable = 'p'
variable_values = [500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000]

axs, boxs = boxplot_scores(variable, variable_values)

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6, 2))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
handles = [boxs[mkey]["boxes"][0] for mkey in methods.keys()]
labels = [method_labels[mkey] for mkey in methods.keys()]
ax1.legend(handles = handles, labels = labels, loc = 'upper left', frameon = False, handlelength = 4, ncol = 2)

for side, border in ax1.spines.items():
ax1.tick_params(bottom = False, top = False, left = False, right = False,
                   labelbottom = False, labeltop = False, labelleft = False, labelright = False)

variable = 'k'
variable_values = [2,5,10,15,20]
boxplot_scores(variable, variable_values)

variable = 'h2'
variable_values = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
boxplot_scores(variable, variable_values)

variable = 'h2_shared_frac'
variable_values = [0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0]
boxplot_scores(variable, variable_values)

variable = 'aq'
variable_values = [0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
boxplot_scores(variable, variable_values)


Instead of the Frobenius norm, we can also use the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) for comparing the methods.

psnr_score_names = {
    'L_psnr': r"PSNR ($L$)",
    'F_psnr': r"PSNR ($F$)",
    'Z_psnr': r"PSNR ($LF^T$)",

variable = 'p'
variable_values = [500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000]

axs, boxs = boxplot_scores(variable, variable_values, score_names = psnr_score_names)