How to simulate ground truth for multi-phenotype z-scores?


Saikat Banerjee


July 1, 2023

We develop a generative model to create a feature matrix with realistic ground truth to benchmark different methods.


Here, I try to develop a generative model to create a feature matrix with realistic ground truth in order to benchmark different methods.

Matrix factorization methods represent an observed N \times P data matrix \mathbf{Y} as:

\mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{L}\mathbf{F}^{\intercal} + \mathbf{E}

where \mathbf{L} is an N \times K matrix, \mathbf{F} is a P \times K matrix, and \mathbf{E} is an N \times P matrix of residuals. For consistency, we adopt the notation and terminology of factor analysis, and refer to \mathbf{L} as the loadings and \mathbf{F} as the factors.

Different matrix factorization methods assume different constraints on \mathbf{L} and \mathbf{F}. For example, PCA assumes that the columns of \mathbf{L} are orthogonal and the columns of \mathbf{F} are orthonormal. For the purpose of generating a ground truth, we will use a generative model,

\mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{M} + \mathbf{L}\mathbf{F}^{\intercal} + \mathbf{E}\,, where every row of \mathbf{M} is equal to the mean value for each feature. The noise \mathbf{E} is sampled from \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}). Equivalently, for sample (phenotype) i and feature (SNP) j, y_{ij} = m_j + \sum_{k = 1}^K l_{ik}f_{jk} + e_j

We will make some realistic assumptions of \mathbf{M}, \mathbf{L}, \mathbf{F} and \mathbf{E}, as discussed below.

Getting setup

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colormaps as mpl_cmaps
import matplotlib.colors as mpl_colors
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

from pymir import mpl_stylesheet
from pymir import mpl_utils

mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(splinecolor = 'black', dpi = 120, colors = 'kelly')

import sys
import histogram as mpy_histogram

Input Dimensions

ntrait = 4 # categories / class
ngwas  = 100 # N
nsnp   = 1000 # P
nfctr  = 20 # K

Generate latent factors

The matrix \mathbf{F} of latent factors, size P \times K. Properties: - Semi-orthogonal matrix - Columns are K orthonormal vectors (all orthogonal to each other: ortho; all of unit length: **normal”)

from scipy import stats as spstats
F = spstats.ortho_group.rvs(nsnp)[:, :nfctr]

# Quickly check if vectors are orthonormal
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(F.T @ F, np.identity(nfctr))
def do_standardize(Z, axis = 0, center = True, scale = True):
    Standardize (divide by standard deviation)
    and/or center (subtract mean) of a given numpy array Z
    axis: the direction along which the std / mean is aggregated.
        In other words, this axis is collapsed. For example,
        axis = 0, means the rows will aggregated (collapsed).
        In the output, the mean will be zero and std will be 1
        along the remaining axes.
        For a 2D array (matrix), use axis = 0 for column standardization
        (with mean = 0 and std = 1 along the columns, axis = 1).
        Simularly, use axis = 1 for row standardization
        (with mean = 0 and std = 1 along the rows, axis = 0).
    center: whether or not to subtract mean.
    scale: whether or not to divide by std.
    dim = Z.ndim
    if scale:
        Znew = Z / np.std(Z, axis = axis, keepdims = True)
        Znew = Z.copy()
    if center:
        Znew = Znew - np.mean(Znew, axis = axis, keepdims = True)

    return Znew

def get_equicorr_feature(n, p, rho = 0.8, seed = None, standardize = True):
    Return a matrix X of size n x p with correlated features.
    The matrix S = X^T X has unit diagonal entries and constant off-diagonal entries rho.
    if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed)
    iidx = np.random.normal(size = (n , p))
    comR = np.random.normal(size = (n , 1))
    x    = comR * np.sqrt(rho) + iidx * np.sqrt(1 - rho)

    # standardize if required
    if standardize:
        x = do_standardize(x)

    return x

def get_blockdiag_features(n, p, rholist, groups, rho_bg = 0.0, seed = None, standardize = True):
    Return a matrix X of size n x p with correlated features.
    The matrix S = X^T X has unit diagonal entries and 
    k blocks of matrices, whose off-diagonal entries 
    are specified by elements of `rholist`.
    rholist: list of floats, specifying the correlation within each block
    groups: list of integer arrays, each array contains the indices of the blocks.
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(rholist), len(groups))
    if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed)
    iidx = get_equicorr_feature(n, p, rho = rho_bg)

    # number of blocks
    k = len(rholist)
    # zero initialize
    x = iidx.copy() #np.zeros_like(iidx)
    for rho, grp in zip(rholist, groups):
        comR = np.random.normal(size = (n, 1))
        x[:, grp] = np.sqrt(rho) * comR + np.sqrt(1 - rho) * iidx[:, grp]

    # standardize if required
    if standardize:
        x = do_standardize(x)

    return x

def get_blockdiag_matrix(n, rholist, groups):
    R = np.ones((n, n))

    for i, (idx, rho) in enumerate(zip(groups, rholist)):
        nblock = idx.shape[0]
        xblock = np.ones((nblock, nblock)) * rho
        R[np.ix_(idx, idx)] = xblock
    return R

# def get_correlated_features (n, p, R, seed = None, standardize = True, method = 'cholesky'):
#     '''
#     method: Choice of method, cholesky or eigenvector or blockdiag.
#     '''

#     # Generate samples from independent normally distributed random
#     # variables (with mean 0 and std. dev. 1).
#     x = norm.rvs(size=(p, n))

#     # We need a matrix `c` for which `c*c^T = r`.  We can use, for example,
#     # the Cholesky decomposition, or the we can construct `c` from the
#     # eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

#     if method == 'cholesky':
#         # Compute the Cholesky decomposition.
#         c = cholesky(r, lower=True)
#     else:
#         # Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
#         evals, evecs = eigh(r)
#         # Construct c, so c*c^T = r.
#         c =, np.diag(np.sqrt(evals)))
#     # Convert the data to correlated random variables. 
#     y =, x)
#     return y

def get_sample_indices(ntrait, ngwas, shuffle = True):
    Distribute the samples in the categories (classes)
    rs = 0.6 * np.random.rand(ntrait) + 0.2 # random sample from [0.2, 0.8)
    z = np.array(np.round((rs / np.sum(rs)) * ngwas), dtype = int)
    z[-1] = ngwas - np.sum(z[:-1])
    tidx = np.arange(ngwas)
    if shuffle:
    bins = np.zeros(ntrait + 1, dtype = int)
    bins[1:] = np.cumsum(z)
    sdict = {i : np.sort(tidx[bins[i]:bins[i+1]]) for i in range(ntrait)}
    return sdict

def plot_covariance_heatmap(ax, X):
    return plot_heatmap(ax, np.cov(X))

def plot_heatmap(ax, X):
    Helps to plot a heatmap
    cmap1 = mpl_cmaps.get_cmap("YlOrRd").copy()
    norm1 = mpl_colors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=0., vcenter=0.5, vmax=1.)
    im1 = ax.imshow(X.T, cmap = cmap1, norm = norm1, interpolation='nearest', origin = 'upper')

    ax.tick_params(bottom = False, top = True, left = True, right = False,
                    labelbottom = False, labeltop = True, labelleft = True, labelright = False)

    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(im1, cax=cax, fraction = 0.1)

def reduce_dimension_svd(X, nfeature = None):
    if k is None: k = int(X.shape[1] / 10)
    k = max(1, k)
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(X)
    Uk = U[:, :k]
    Sk = S[:k]
    return Uk @ Sk

# L_qr_ortho, L_qr_eig = orthogonalize_qr(do_standardize(L_full))
# #idsort = np.argsort(L_eig)[::-1]
# #idselect = idsort[:nfctr]
# idselect = np.arange(nfctr)
# L_qr =  L_qr_ortho[:, idselect] @ np.diag(L_qr_eig[idselect])

# L_svd_ortho, L_svd_eig = orthogonalize_svd(do_standardize(L_full), k = nfctr)
# L_svd = L_svd_ortho @ np.diag(L_svd_eig)

Generate loadings of each factor

The matrix \mathbf{L} of loadings, size N \times K. It encapsulates the similarity and distinctness of the samples in the latent space. We design \mathbf{L} to contain the a covariance structure similar to the realistic data. The covariance of \mathbf{L} is shown in Figure 1

To-Do: Is there a way to enforce the columns of \mathbf{L} to be orthogonal? This can be both good and bad. Good, because many matrix factorization methods like PCA, etc assume that W is orthogonal. Bad, because real data may not be orthogonal.

sample_dict = get_sample_indices(ntrait, ngwas, shuffle = False)
sample_indices = [x for k, x in sample_dict.items()]
rholist = [0.7 for x in sample_indices]
rholist = [0.9, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9]
L_full = get_blockdiag_features(1000, ngwas, rholist, sample_indices, rho_bg = 0.0, seed = 2000).T
L = L_full[:, :nfctr]
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

plot_covariance_heatmap(ax1, L)

Figure 1: Covariance structure of the loadings

The covariance of \mathbf{Y}_{\mathrm{true}} = \mathbf{L}\mathbf{F}^{\intercal} is shown in Figure 2 (left panel). In the right panel, we show the covariance of \mathbf{Y}_{\mathrm{true}}\mathbf{F}.

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)

Y_true = L @ F.T
Y_true_proj = Y_true @ F

plot_covariance_heatmap(ax1, Y_true)
plot_covariance_heatmap(ax2, Y_true_proj)

ax1.set_title("Covariance of Y in feature space", pad = 50)
ax2.set_title("Covariance of Y after projection to latent space", pad = 50)

Figure 2: Visualization of the true input matrix

Approximate methods to obtain loadings decomposition

Enforcing orthogonality on the loading will naturally overshrink the similarity and enhance the distinctness. Still, we can reduce the dimension of L_full using truncated SVD and use the projection of L_full on the first K components of the right singular vector.

Another option is to use a QR decomposition to obtain orthogonal columns, scaled by some approximate eigenvalues: 1. Transpose L_full and use QR decomposition. 2. \mathbf{s}_{qr} \leftarrow eigenvalues (diagonal of \mathbf{R}). 3. Define \mathbf{s}' such that s'_i = 1 if s_{qr} > 0 and s'_i = -1 if s_{qr} < 0. 4. Choose K orthogonal vectors from \mathbf{Q} multiplied by \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf{s}'). This does not work numerically, as shown below in Figure 3

def orthogonalize_qr(X):
    Q, R = np.linalg.qr(X)
    eigv = np.diag(R).copy()
    eigv[eigv > 0] = 1.
    eigv[eigv < 0] = -1.
    U = Q @ np.diag(eigv)
    #return U, np.diag(R)
    return Q, np.abs(np.diag(R))

def orthogonalize_svd(X, k = None):
    if k is None:  k = X.shape[1]
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(X)
    Uk = U[:, :k]
    Sk = S[:k]
    return Uk, Sk

L_qr_ortho, L_qr_eig = orthogonalize_qr(do_standardize(L_full))
#idsort = np.argsort(L_eig)[::-1]
#idselect = idsort[:nfctr]
idselect = np.arange(nfctr)
L_qr =  L_qr_ortho[:, idselect] @ np.diag(L_qr_eig[idselect])

L_svd_ortho, L_svd_eig = orthogonalize_svd(do_standardize(L_full), k = nfctr)
L_svd = L_svd_ortho @ np.diag(L_svd_eig)

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)

plot_covariance_heatmap(ax1, L_qr)
plot_covariance_heatmap(ax2, L_svd)

ax1.set_title("Covariance of loadings after QR decomposition", pad = 50)
ax2.set_title("Covariance of loadings after SVD decomposition", pad = 50)

Figure 3: Approximate methods for loading decomposition

Generate Data

variable data
Y_true Ground truth
Y_true_proj Projection of ground truth on the latent factors
Y Observed data
Y_std Observed data, standardized to mean 0 and std 1 for each feature (column)
Y_std_proj Projection of Y_std on the latent factors
# fixed noise for every SNP
sigma2 = np.random.uniform(1e-2, 5.0, nsnp)
noise = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(nsnp), np.diag(sigma2), size = ngwas)
meanshift = np.random.normal(0, 10, size = (1, nsnp))

# Generate data and its projections on true F
Y_true = L @ F.T
Y_true_proj = Y_true @ F
Y = Y_true + meanshift + noise
Y_std = do_standardize(Y)
Y_std_proj = Y_std @ F

We obtain the observed \mathbf{Y} by adding noise and mean to \mathbf{Y}_{\mathrm{true}}. The covariance of \mathbf{Y} is shown in the left panel of (left panel). In the right panel, we show the covariance of \mathbf{Y}\mathbf{F}.

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)

plot_covariance_heatmap(ax1, Y_std)
plot_covariance_heatmap(ax2, Y_std_proj)

ax1.set_title("Covariance of Y in feature space", pad = 50)
ax2.set_title("Covariance of Y after projection to latent space", pad = 50)

Figure 4: Visualization of the observed input matrix

Plot distribution of each feature

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

for i in range(Y.shape[1]):
    x = Y_std[:, i]
    outlier_mask = mpy_histogram.iqr_outlier(x, axis = 0, bar = 5)
    data = x[~outlier_mask]
    xmin, xmax, bins, xbin = mpy_histogram.get_bins(data, 100, None, None)
    curve = mpy_histogram.get_density(xbin, data)
    ax1.plot(xbin, curve)
Figure 5: Distribution of z-scores for all phenotypes

Can SVD decomposition capture the signal?

In Figure 6, we look at the separation of the underlying features using - projection of \mathbf{Y}_{\mathrm{true}} on \mathbf{F} (left panel). - projection of \mathbf{Y} on \mathbf{F} (center panel). - principal components obtained from SVD of \mathbf{Y} (right panel).

U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(Y_std, full_matrices=False)
pcomps_svd = U[:, :nfctr] @ np.diag(S[:nfctr])
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 6))

idx1 = 1
idx2 = 2

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)

mcolors = mpl_stylesheet.kelly_colors()
for i, grp in enumerate(sample_indices):
    ax1.scatter(Y_true_proj[grp, idx1], Y_true_proj[grp, idx2], color = mcolors[i])
    ax2.scatter(Y_std_proj[grp, idx1], Y_std_proj[grp, idx2], color = mcolors[i])
    ax3.scatter(pcomps_svd[grp, idx1], pcomps_svd[grp, idx2], color = mcolors[i])
ax1.set_title ("Projection of ground truth on latent factors", pad = 20)
ax2.set_title ("Projection of observed data on latent factors", pad = 20)
ax3.set_title ("Principal components of observed data", pad = 20)

Figure 6: Separation of components in different spaces
Ypred_svd = pcomps_svd @ Vt[:nfctr, :]
Y_true_std = do_standardize(Y_true)

np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Ypred_svd - Y_true) / np.square(Y_true)))