PCA of low rank matrix of Pan-UKB data


Saikat Banerjee


October 8, 2024

Using ColormaNN, we obtain the low rank matrix from the noisy input Z scores of Pan-UKB data. Here, we look at the principal components of the estimated low rank matrix.
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle

from adjustText import adjust_text
import textalloc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymir import mpl_stylesheet
from pymir import mpl_utils
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
import matplotlib.font_manager as mpl_fm
font_path = '/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/nygc/Futura'
mpl_fm.fontManager.addfont(font_path + '/FuturaStd-Book.otf') # Loads "Futura Std"

mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(splinecolor = 'black', dpi = 300)
# futura_book = FontProperties(fname='/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/nygc/Futura/FuturaStd-Book.otf')

# NYGC Color Palette
nygc_colors = {
    'brown': '#7F0814',
    'darkred': '#d42e12',
    'orange': '#F37239',
    'darkyellow': '#F79320',
    'yellow': '#FFE438',
    'darkblue': '#003059',
    'blue': '#266DB6',
    'lightblue': '#A3D5ED',
    'darkgreen': '#006838',
    'green': '#0A8A42',
    'lightgreen': '#74B74A',
    'yellowgreen': '#BAD75F',
    'darkgray': '#1A1A1A',
    'gray': '#666666',
    'lightgray': '#CCCCCC',
    'khaki': '#ADA194',
    'darkkhaki': '#5E514D',

# Style sheet for NYGC poster
mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(dpi = 300, fontsize = 28, 
    splinecolor = nygc_colors['darkgray'], black = nygc_colors['darkgray'])
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'Futura Std'
data_dir = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/data"
result_dir = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/npddata/panukb/results/colormann-svd"

zscore_df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/zscore_noRx.pkl"))
trait_df  = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(data_dir, f"modselect/traits_all_with_desc.pkl"))

variant_filename = f"{data_dir}/allvar.pruned.closesttss.hugo"
variant_df = pd.read_csv(variant_filename, sep = '\t')

nsample_filename = "/gpfs/commons/home/sbanerjee/work/npd/PanUKB/data/phe2483.SampleN.tsv"
nsample_df = pd.read_csv(nsample_filename, sep = '\t')
methods = ["nnm", "nnm-sparse", "rpca"]
method_names = {
    "nnm" : "NNM",
    "nnm-sparse" : "NNM-Sparse",
    "rpca" : "Robust PCA"

res_pklfile = {
    "nnm": "nnm_model_r155872_iter1000.pkl",
    "nnm-sparse": "nnm_sparse_model_r155872_iter1000.pkl",
    "rpca": "rpca_model.pkl"

pca_comps = dict()
mf_comps = dict()
k = 200

for method in methods:
    comps_filename = os.path.join(result_dir, method, "noRx", "pca_comps.pkl")
    with open(comps_filename, "rb") as mfile:
        pca_comps[method] = pickle.load(mfile)
    mf_comps_filename = os.path.join(result_dir, method, "noRx", f"mf_comps_k{k}.pkl")
    with open(mf_comps_filename, "rb") as mfile:
        mf_comps[method] = pickle.load(mfile)
X = np.array(zscore_df.values.T)
X_cent = X - np.mean(X, axis = 0, keepdims = True)
pheno_zindex = [int(x[1:]) for x in zscore_df.columns]
trait_df_noRx = trait_df.loc[trait_df['zindex'].isin(pheno_zindex)]
nsample_df_noRx = nsample_df.loc[trait_df_noRx.index]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 2110 entries, 0 to 2482
Data columns (total 20 columns):
 #   Column                       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                       --------------  -----  
 0   zindex                       2110 non-null   int64  
 1   trait_type                   2110 non-null   object 
 2   phenocode                    2110 non-null   object 
 3   pheno_sex                    2110 non-null   object 
 4   coding                       267 non-null    object 
 5   modifier                     394 non-null    object 
 6   description                  2110 non-null   object 
 7   description_more             1408 non-null   object 
 8   coding_description           261 non-null    object 
 9   category                     2072 non-null   object 
 10  BIN_QT                       2110 non-null   object 
 11  n_cases_EUR                  2110 non-null   int64  
 12  n_controls_EUR               1304 non-null   float64
 13  N                            2110 non-null   int64  
 14  Neff                         2110 non-null   float64
 15  filename                     2110 non-null   object 
 16  aws_link                     2110 non-null   object 
 17  estimates.final.h2_observed  2106 non-null   float64
 18  long_description             2110 non-null   object 
 19  short_description            2110 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(3), int64(3), object(14)
memory usage: 346.2+ KB
import scipy.stats as sc_stats
import collections

def q1(x, axis = None):
    return np.percentile(x, 25, axis = axis)

def q3(x, axis = None):
    return np.percentile(x, 75, axis = axis)

def iqr_outlier(x, axis = None, bar = 1.5, side = 'both'):
    assert side in ['gt', 'lt', 'both'], 'Side should be `gt`, `lt` or `both`.'

    d_iqr = sc_stats.iqr(x, axis = axis)
    d_q1 = q1(x, axis = axis)
    d_q3 = q3(x, axis = axis)
    iqr_distance = np.multiply(d_iqr, bar)

    stat_shape = list(x.shape)

    if isinstance(axis, collections.abc.Iterable):
        for single_axis in axis:
            stat_shape[single_axis] = 1
        stat_shape[axis] = 1

    if side in ['gt', 'both']:
        upper_range = d_q3 + iqr_distance
        upper_outlier = np.greater(x - upper_range.reshape(stat_shape), 0)
    if side in ['lt', 'both']:
        lower_range = d_q1 - iqr_distance
        lower_outlier = np.less(x - lower_range.reshape(stat_shape), 0)

    if side == 'gt':
        return upper_outlier
    if side == 'lt':
        return lower_outlier
    if side == 'both':
        return np.logical_or(upper_outlier, lower_outlier)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 18))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
method = 'nnm_sparse'
ipc1 = 0
ipc2 = 1
trait_indices = np.array(trait_df_noRx.index)
trait_types   = trait_df_noRx['trait_type'].unique().tolist()
trait_colors = {trait: color for trait, color 
                    in zip(trait_types, mpl_stylesheet.banskt_colors()[:len(trait_types)])}

pcomps = mf_comps["rpca"][0]

for t in trait_types:
    selectidx = np.array(trait_df_noRx[trait_df_noRx['trait_type'] == t].index)
    tidx = np.searchsorted(trait_indices, selectidx)
    xvals = pcomps[tidx, ipc1]
    yvals = pcomps[tidx, ipc2]
    ax1.scatter(xvals, yvals, alpha = 0.7, color = trait_colors[t], label = t, s = 50)
    ax1.legend(loc = 'lower left')

# Combine outliers in x-axis and y-axis
xvals = pcomps[:, ipc1]
yvals = pcomps[:, ipc2]
outlier_idx_x = np.where(iqr_outlier(xvals, axis = 0, bar = 10.0))[0]
outlier_idx_y = np.where(iqr_outlier(yvals, axis = 0, bar = 10.0))[0]
outlier_idx = np.union1d(outlier_idx_x, outlier_idx_y)
x_center = np.mean(ax1.get_xlim())

# # Mark using adjustText package
# # https://github.com/Phlya/adjustText
# annots = []
# for i in outlier_idx:
#     txt = trait_df.loc[trait_indices[i]]['description'].strip()
#     if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
#         continue
#     if xvals[i] > x_center:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 6, ha = 'right')]
#     else:
#         annots += [ax1.annotate(txt, (xvals[i], yvals[i]), fontsize = 6)]
# # Adjust the annotations iteratively
# adjust_text(annots, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color = 'grey'))

# Mark using textalloc package
txt_list = []
text_idx_list = []
for i in outlier_idx:
    txt = trait_df_noRx.loc[trait_indices[i]]['short_description'].strip()
    #if 'intima-medial thickness' in txt:
    #    continue
if len(text_idx_list) > 0:
    txt_idx = np.array(text_idx_list)
    textalloc.allocate_text(fig, ax1, xvals[txt_idx], yvals[txt_idx], txt_list,
                            x_scatter = xvals, y_scatter = yvals,
                            textsize = 12, textcolor = 'black', linecolor = 'grey')

ax1.set_xlabel(f"PC{ipc1 + 1}")
ax1.set_ylabel(f"PC{ipc2 + 1}")