Demonstration of EM-VAMP with adaptive shrinkage (ash) prior
- About
- Importing packages
- Generating synthetic data
- Set up the EM-VAMP solver
- Run the solvers
- View Results
In this demo, I illustrate how to use the vampyre package for sparse multiple linear regression. We consider a simple linear model,
$\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{X}\mathbf{b} + \mathbf{w}$,
$\mathbf{w} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mathbf{0} \mid \sigma^2 I_n \right)$,
$\mathbf{b} \sim p\left(\mathbf{b} \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_1\right)$.
Here $\mathbf{y}$ is a vector of length $n$, $\mathbf{X}$ is a matrix of size $n \times p$ and $\mathbf{b}$ is a vector of length $p$. The goal is to estimate the posterior $p\left(\mathbf{b} \mid \mathbf{y}\right)$. Generally, the priors $\boldsymbol{\theta}_1$ and $\sigma$ are also unknown and need to be estimated. The VAMP (Vector Approximate Message Passing) algorithm estimates the posterior when the priors are known. The EM-VAMP algorithm proposed by Fletcher and Schniter, 2017 combines VAMP and Expectation Maximization to estimate both the prior and the posterior. The EM-VAMP algorithm, among others, is implemented in vampyre.
In this example, I will use two different class of priors for the regression:
- Spike-and-slab. $p\left(b_i \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_1\right) = (1 - \pi) \delta(b_i) + \pi \mathcal{N}\left(b_i \mid \mu_b, \sigma_b\right)$
- ash. $p\left(b_i \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_1\right) = \sum_{k=1}^{K} \pi_k \mathcal{N}\left(b_i \mid \mu_k, \sigma_k\right)$ with a constraint $\sum_{k=1}^{K} \pi_k = 1$. We will assume $(\mu_k, \sigma_k)$ is known for all $k$, and will estimate the $\pi_k$ from the data.
Importing packages
First, we need to import the vampyre
package. PyMir is a personal Python package where I keep some helper functions of matplotlib for using across all projects. This can be skipped and all instances of pymir
can be commented out to use the default settings of matplotlib
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import numpy as np
import os
import vampyre
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymir import mpl_stylesheet
from pymir import mpl_utils
def simulate (n, p, s, pve = 0.5, rho = 0, seed = None):
X is sampled from a multivariate normal, with covariance matrix S.
S has unit diagonal entries and constant off-diagonal entries rho.
n = number of samples
p = number of predictors
s = number of non-zero predictors
pve = proportion of variance in y explained by Xb
rho = correlation in the off-diagonal entries of X
X = matrix of predictors (size n x p)
y = vector of responses (size n)
Xtest, ytest = holdout test set
beta = coefficientss
se = sigma (standard deviation of w in the model)
iidX = np.random.normal(size = n * 2 * p).reshape(n * 2, p)
comR = np.random.normal(size = n * 2).reshape(n * 2, 1)
Xall = comR * np.sqrt(rho) + iidX * np.sqrt(1 - rho)
# split into training and test data
X = Xall[:n, :]
Xtest = Xall[n:, :]
# sample betas
bidx = np.random.choice(p, s, replace = False)
beta = np.zeros(p)
beta[bidx] = np.random.normal(size = s)
# obtain sd from pve
se = np.sqrt(np.var(, beta)) * (1 - pve) / pve)
# calculate the responses
y =, beta) + se * np.random.normal(size = n)
ytest =, beta) + se * np.random.normal(size = n)
return X, y, Xtest, ytest, beta, se
# Simulation parameters
n = 100
p = 200
s = 10
pve = 0.5
rho = 0
X, y, Xtest, ytest, beta, se = simulate(n, p, s, pve = pve, rho = rho)
print (f"Data generated with n = {n}, p = {p}, s = {s}, pve = {pve}, rho = {rho}.")
print (f"Calculated input sigma = {se:.3f}")
Set up the EM-VAMP solver
The EM-VAMP estimator requires that we specify two probability distributions:
- Prior: $p\left(\mathbf{b} \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_1\right)$;
- Likelihood: $p\left(\mathbf{y} \mid \mathbf{b}, \sigma\right) = \mathcal{N}\left(\mathbf{y} \mid \mathbf{X}\mathbf{b}, \sigma^2 I_n\right)$
Both the spike-and-slab
and ash
prior can be represented by Gaussian mixtures. Hence I will set up EM-VAMP with GMM estimators (note that some other estimators are also implemented in vampyre
). The parameters $\mathbf{\theta}_1$ will be represented by the components (probc
, meanc
, varc
), respectively the proportion, mean and variance of each Gaussian component in the mixture. For the likelihood, the unknown parameter $\sigma^2$ is the output variance wvar
EM-VAMP estimation allows to learn the values of the parameters $\theta_1$ and $\sigma^2$ while also estimating the posterior expectation of the vector $\mathbf{b}$.
def vamp_solver(X, y, probc, meanc, varc, sigma2_init, max_iter,
tune_wvar = True, tune_gmm = True,
mean_fix = None, var_fix = None):
n, p = X.shape
bshape = (p, 1)
Xop = vampyre.trans.MatrixLT(X, bshape)
# flag indicating if the estimator uses MAP estimation (else use MMSE).
map_est = False
# Use Gaussian mixture estimator class with auto-tuning
# Enables EM tuning of the GMM parameters.
# In this case, probc, meanc and varc are used as initial estimates
# zvarmin - minimum variance in each cluster
est_in_em = vampyre.estim.GMMEst(shape = bshape,
zvarmin = 1e-6, tune_gmm = tune_gmm,
probc = probc, meanc = meanc, varc = varc,
name = 'GMM input', mean_fix = mean_fix, var_fix = var_fix)
est_out_em = vampyre.estim.LinEst(Xop, y, wvar = sigma2_init,
map_est = map_est, tune_wvar = tune_wvar,
name = 'Linear+AWGN')
# Create the message handler
msg_hdl = vampyre.estim.MsgHdlSimp(map_est = map_est, shape = bshape)
# Create the solver
solver = vampyre.solver.Vamp(est_in_em, est_out_em, msg_hdl, hist_list=['zhat'],
nit = max_iter, prt_period = 0)
# Run the solver
return solver
# Some ad-hoc initialization of the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
def vamp_initialize(X, probc, meanc, varc, sigma2_init):
n, p = X.shape
# How many components?
if not all(x is None for x in [probc, meanc, varc]):
clist = [len(x) for x in [probc, meanc, varc] if x is not None]
ncomp = clist[0]
assert all(x==clist[0] for x in clist), "Different lengths for initial GMM prob / mean / var"
ncomp = 2
# Proportion of each component
if probc is None:
prob_hi = np.minimum(n / p / 2, 0.95)
probc = np.zeros(ncomp)
probc[1:] = np.repeat(prob_hi / (ncomp - 1), (ncomp - 1))
probc[0] = 1 - np.sum(probc[1:])
# Mean of each component
if meanc is None:
meanc = np.zeros(ncomp)
# Variance of each component
if varc is None:
var_hi = sigma2_init / (np.mean(np.abs(X)**2) * p * np.sum(probc[1:]))
var_hi = max(var_hi, 0.1)
varc = var_hi * np.arange(ncomp) / (ncomp - 1)
varc[0] = var_hi * 1e-4 # the first component cannot be zero.
return probc, meanc, varc
def fit_em_vamp(X, y, max_iter = 10000,
probc = None, meanc = None, varc = None,
mean_fix = None, var_fix = None):
# Center y and add intercept
# It is redundant to do both.
ymean = np.mean(y)
Xc = np.concatenate((np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X), axis = 1)
yc = (y - ymean).reshape(-1, 1)
# Initial sigma2 is set to the variance of y (mean centered).
sigma2_init = np.mean(yc**2)
# Initial probc, meanc, varc
probc, meanc, varc = vamp_initialize(Xc, probc, meanc, varc, sigma2_init)
# Get the estimation history
solver = vamp_solver(Xc, yc, probc, meanc, varc, sigma2_init, max_iter,
mean_fix = mean_fix, var_fix = var_fix)
bhat_hist = solver.hist_dict['zhat']
for bhat in bhat_hist:
bhat[0] += ymean
bopt = bhat_hist[-1].reshape(-1)
return bhat_hist, bopt[0], bopt[1:]
def get_rmse(X, y, bhist):
niter = len(bhist)
rmse = np.zeros(niter)
n, p = X.shape
for it in range(niter):
bhati = bhist[it]
ypred =, bhati[1:]) + bhati[0]
rmse[it] = np.sqrt(np.mean((ytest.reshape(n,1) - ypred)**2))
return rmse
To estimate VAMP with ash prior, we initialize the components as in Mr.ASH
ash_ncomp = 10
ash_probc = np.ones(ash_ncomp) / ash_ncomp
ash_meanc = np.zeros(ash_ncomp)
ash_varc = (4**(np.arange(ash_ncomp)/ash_ncomp) - 1)**2
ash_varc[0] = 1e-4
ash_mean_fix = np.ones(ash_ncomp)
ash_var_fix = np.ones(ash_ncomp)
max_iter = 100
emvamp_bhist, emvamp_mu, emvamp_beta = fit_em_vamp(X, y, max_iter = max_iter)
emvamp_rmse = get_rmse(Xtest, ytest, emvamp_bhist)
print (f"Final RMSE (EM-VAMP): {emvamp_rmse[-1]:.3f}")
ash_emvamp_bhist, ash_emvamp_mu, ash_emvamp_beta = fit_em_vamp(X, y, max_iter = max_iter,
probc = ash_probc, meanc = ash_meanc, varc = ash_varc,
mean_fix = ash_mean_fix, var_fix = ash_var_fix)
ash_emvamp_rmse = get_rmse(Xtest, ytest, ash_emvamp_bhist)
print (f"Final RMSE (EM-VAMP-ASH): {ash_emvamp_rmse[-1]:.3f}")
mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(dpi = 72)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6, 6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
xvals = np.log10(1 + np.arange(emvamp_rmse.shape[0]))
ax1.plot(xvals, np.log10(ash_emvamp_rmse / se), 'o-', alpha = 0.5)
ax1.plot(xvals, np.log10(emvamp_rmse / se), 's-', alpha = 0.5)
ax1.legend(['EM-VAMP (ash)', 'EM-VAMP'])
ax1.set_ylabel(r"Prediction Error (RMSE / $\sigma$)")
ax1.set_xlabel(r"Number of iterations")
ax1.tick_params(labelcolor = "#333333")
# Magic ticks Switch off if not using PyMir.
mpl_utils.set_yticks(ax1, kmin = 4, kmax = 6, scale = 'log10')
mpl_utils.set_xticks(ax1, kmin = 4, kmax = 6, scale = 'log10', spacing = 'log10')