Comparison of prediction accuracy of linear regression methods
- About
- Importing packages
- DSC results
- High dimension setting (p > n)
- Low dimension setting (p < n)
- Computational time
Here, I compare the prediction accuracy of several linear regression methods using simulation examples of Kim, Wang, Carbonetto and Stephens (KWCS 2020). It reproduces four simulation scenarios (see below) from Figure 2 and 3 of their manuscript and adds four other scenarios. I compare the combinations of signal strength (PVE $= 0.5$ and $0.95$) and correlation of the predictors ($\rho = 0$ and $0.95$) with sample size $n = 100$ ($< p = 200$) and $n = 500$ ($> p$), which gives the 8 different scenarios presented here.
The four simulation scenarios which are reproduced from (KWCS 2020) are:
- Low-dimension ($n = 500$, $\rho = 0$, PVE $= 0.5$)
- High-dimension ($n = 100$, $\rho = 0$, PVE $= 0.5$)
- Strong-signal ($n = 500$, $\rho = 0$, PVE $= 0.95$)
- EquiCorrGauss ($n = 100$, $\rho = 0.95$, PVE $= 0.5$)
The setting where Fabio Morgante found Lasso to be better than Mr.ASH would be equivalent to ($n = 100$, $\rho = 0$, PVE $= 0.95$).
The simulation pipeline is implemented using Dynamic Statistical Comparisons (DSC).
Importing packages
Non-standard packages include DSC and PyMir. The simulation repository needs to be in path for importing some of the utilities.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import os
import sys
import collections
srcdir = "/home/saikat/Documents/work/ebmr/simulation/eb-linreg-dsc"
sys.path.append(os.path.join(srcdir, "analysis"))
import dscrutils2py as dscrutils
import methodprops
import methodplots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from pymir import mpl_stylesheet
from pymir import mpl_utils
from pymir import pd_utils
highdims = (100, 200)
lowdims = (500, 200)
# fraction of non-zero predictors, sfrac = p_causal / p
sfracs = [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0]
pve_list = [0.5, 0.95]
# rho
rho_list = [0, 0.95]
# Output directory
dsc_outdir = os.path.join(srcdir, "dsc/dsc_result")
Read the results of the simulation and store it in a DataFrame
targets = ["simulate", "simulate.dims", "", "simulate.rho",
"simulate.sfrac", "simulate.pve", "fit", "fit.DSC_TIME", "mse.err"]
dscout = dscrutils.dscquery(dsc_outdir, targets)
dscout['score1'] = np.sqrt(dscout['mse.err'])/dscout['']
Select the methods to be displayed in the figures.
whichmethods = ["l0learn",
highdim_condition = [f"$(simulate.dims) == '({highdims[0]},{highdims[1]})'"]
resdf1 = pd_utils.select_dfrows(dscout, highdim_condition)
methodplots.create_figure_prediction_error(whichmethods, resdf1, highdims, rho_list, pve_list, sfracs)