
This is a proof of concept implementation of restricted mean field approximation with independent coefficients factorization for Poisson regression. Here, we restrict the factorized distribution to follow: \begin{equation*} q\left(\boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{\gamma}, \boldsymbol{\pi} \right) = q\left( \boldsymbol{\pi} \right) \prod_{j=1}^{P}q\left( \beta_j \mid \boldsymbol{\gamma}_j\right) q\left( \boldsymbol{\gamma}_j \right) \end{equation*} where, \begin{align*} q\left( \beta_j \mid \boldsymbol{\gamma}_j\right) &= \prod_{k=1}^{K} \left[ \mathcal{N} \left( \beta_j \mid \mu_{jk}, s_{jk}^2 \right) \right]^{\gamma_{jk}} \\ q\left( \boldsymbol{\gamma}_j \right) &= \prod_{k=1}^{K} \alpha_{jk}^{\gamma_{jk}} \end{align*}

For a generalized method, we have used an approximate ELBO by taking a lower bound of the exact ELBO using a Taylor series expansion of the gradient of the expected response (see notes for details). Although the variational parameters, namely $\alpha_{jk}$, $\mu_{jk}$ and $s_{jk}^2$ are not analytically tractable, we developed an approximate coordinate ascent algorithm by iterating over components.

Here, we compare the restricted mean field approach with "blackbox" PoissonRegressor from Python scikit-learn. We have set the regularization strength alpha to approximately 1.0 over number of samples.

We used the mean Poisson deviance to quantify the quality of classification, and the Gini index1 to quantify the sparsity of the coefficients.


import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(precision = 4, suppress=True)
import pandas as pd

from scipy import optimize
from scipy import stats
from scipy.special import digamma
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_poisson_deviance
from sklearn.utils import gen_even_slices

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib import ticker as plticker
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

import sys
import mpl_stylesheet
mpl_stylesheet.banskt_presentation(fontfamily = 'latex-clearsans', fontsize = 18, colors = 'banskt', dpi = 72)

Generate toy data

Let us consider a Poisson model with sparse coefficients, so that the number of causal variables ncausal is much less than the number of variables nvar in the model. To ensure sparsity of the coefficients, we use a Gaussian mixture prior of nGcomp components with variances given by $\sigma_k^2$ (sigmak2) and unknown mixture coefficients. The sparsity of the initialization is controlled by the variable sparsity that specifies the mixture coefficient of the zero-th component $\mathcal{N}(0, 0)$ (or the delta function). We are particularly interested in systems where the number of samples nsample is less than nvar. Validation is performed on separate test dataset with ntest samples.

nsample = [50, 200]
nvar = [100, 100]
ncausal = 5
nGcomp = 10
sparsity = 0.95
prior_variance = 5
ntest = 2000

sigmak2 = np.array([prior_variance * np.square(np.power(2, (i)/nGcomp) - 1) for i in range(nGcomp)])

We use the exponential inverse link function $\theta_i = \exp\left(\mathbf{X}_i\boldsymbol{\beta}\right)$ to generate the response variable $y_i$ for $i = 1, \ldots, N$ samples using the Poisson probability distribution \begin{equation*} p\left(y_i \mid \mathbf{X}_i, \boldsymbol{\beta}\right) = \frac{\theta_i^{y_i}e^{-\theta_i}}{y_i!} \end{equation*} $\mathbf{X}$ is centered and scaled such that for each variable $j$, the variance is $\mathrm{var}(\mathbf{x}_j) = 1$.

# collapse-hide

def standardize(X):
    Xnorm = (X - np.mean(X, axis = 0)) 
    Xstd =  Xnorm / np.std(Xnorm, axis = 0)
    return Xstd

def poisson_data(X, beta):
    Xbeta = np.dot(X, beta)
    pred = np.exp(Xbeta)
    Y = np.random.poisson(pred)
    return Y

def gini(x):
    n = len(x)
    xabs = abs(x)
    xsort = xabs[np.argsort(xabs)]
    t1 = xsort / np.sum(xabs)
    t2 = (n - np.arange(n) - 1 + 0.5) / n
    gini = 1 - 2 * np.sum(t1 * t2)
    return gini

def simulate_data(nsample, nvar, ncausal, ntest):
    X = np.random.rand(nsample * nvar).reshape(nsample, nvar)
    X = standardize(X)
    Xtest = np.random.rand(ntest * nvar).reshape(ntest, nvar)
    Xtest = standardize(Xtest)

    beta = np.zeros(nvar)
    causal_idx = np.random.choice(nvar, ncausal, replace = False)
    beta[causal_idx] = np.random.normal(loc = 0., scale = 1., size = ncausal)

    Y = poisson_data(X, beta)
    Ytest = poisson_data(Xtest, beta)
    return X, Y, beta, Xtest, Ytest

Let us have a look at the generated data.

# collapse-hide

X =     [None for n in nsample]
Xtest = [None for n in nsample]
Y =     [None for n in nsample]
Ytest = [None for n in nsample]
beta =  [None for n in nsample]

for i, n in enumerate(nsample):
    X[i], Y[i], beta[i], Xtest[i], Ytest[i] \
        = simulate_data(n, nvar[i], ncausal, ntest)

print(f'There are {ncausal} non-zero coefficients with variance {np.var(beta[beta!=0]):.4f}')

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,12))
ax = [fig.add_subplot(221),

for i, n in enumerate(nsample):
    Xbeta = np.dot(X[i], beta[i])
    ax[i * 2].scatter(Xbeta, np.log(Y[i] + 1), s = 10)
    #ax[i * 2].scatter(np.exp(Xbeta), Y[i], s = 10)
    ax[i * 2 + 1].hist(Y[i])

    ax[i * 2].set_xlabel(r'$\sum_i X_{ni} \beta_i$')
    ax[i * 2].set_ylabel(r'$\log(Y_n + 1)$')
    ax[i * 2 + 1].set_xlabel(r'$Y_n$')
    ax[i * 2 + 1].set_ylabel('Number')
There are 5 non-zero coefficients with variance 0.0328

Implementation of variational inference

See Latex notes for details of the theory. Current implementation focus on readability and debug. Computational efficiency has been ignored.

# collapse-hide

def get_btheta(X, beta):
    nsample, nvar = X.shape
    Xbeta = np.dot(X, beta)
    btheta = np.exp(Xbeta)
    dbtheta = btheta.copy()
    ddbtheta = btheta.copy()
    return btheta, dbtheta, ddbtheta

def get_elbo(X, Y, dspr, alpha, mu, s2, logpi, sigmak2, debug = False):
    nvar, nGcomp = alpha.shape
    Ebeta  = np.sum(np.multiply(alpha, mu)[:, 1:], axis = 1)
    Ebeta2 = np.zeros(nvar)
    mu2 = np.square(mu)
    X2 = np.square(X)
    bglm, dbglm, ddbglm = get_btheta(X, Ebeta)
    t1 = np.dot(Y, np.dot(X, Ebeta)) / dspr
    t3 = 0
    t4 = 0
    t5 = 0
    for j in range(nvar):
        for k in range(nGcomp):
            mom2jk = mu2[j, k] + s2[j, k]
            Ebeta2[j] += alpha[j, k] * mom2jk
            if alpha[j, k] != 0:
                t4 += - alpha[j, k] * np.log(alpha[j, k])
            t5jk = 0
            if k > 0:
                t5jk += np.log(s2[j, k])
                t5jk += - np.log(sigmak2[k])
                t5jk += - mom2jk / sigmak2[k]
                t5jk += 1
            t5jk *= alpha[j, k] * 0.5
            t5 += t5jk
    x2Ebeta2 = np.einsum('ij, j->i', X2, Ebeta2)
    x2r2 = np.einsum('ij, j->i', X2, np.square(Ebeta))
    Eqbglm = bglm + 0.5 * np.multiply( ddbglm, (x2Ebeta2 - x2r2))
    t2 = - np.sum(Eqbglm) / dspr
    elbo = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5
    return elbo

def ash_qL_pi_init(nGcomp, pi0, sparse = True):
    By default, pi is initialized with sparsity, i.e. pi[0] > pi[j], for j > 0
    pi = np.zeros(nGcomp)
    pi[0] = pi0
    pi[1:(nGcomp - 1)] = (1 - pi0) / (nGcomp - 1)
    pi[nGcomp - 1] = 1 - np.sum(pi)
    if not sparse:
        pi = np.repeat(1 / nGcomp, nGcomp)
    return pi

def ash_rmf(X, Y, sigmak2, dspr, binit,
            a_dirich = None,
            maxiter = 1000, tol = 1e-10, pi0 = 0.8, sparse_init = True,
            debug = True, debug_step = 10):
    Current focus is on readability and debug.
    nsample, nvar = X.shape
    nGcomp = sigmak2.shape[0]
    # default dirichlet prior on pi
    if a_dirich is None:
        a_dirich = np.repeat(1., nGcomp)
        a_dirich[0] = 1. # soft max at pi[0]

    XTY = np.dot(X.T, Y)
    pi = ash_qL_pi_init(nGcomp, pi0, sparse = sparse_init)
    logpi = np.log(pi)
    alpha = np.repeat(np.array([pi]), nvar, axis = 0)
    logalpha = np.log(alpha)
    R = binit.copy()
    bglm, dbglm, ddbglm = get_btheta(X, R)
    #XBXjj = np.sum(np.multiply(ddbglm.reshape(-1, 1), np.square(X)), axis = 0)
    XBXjj = np.einsum('i,ij,ij->j', ddbglm, X, X)
    s2 = np.zeros((nvar, nGcomp))
    mu = np.zeros((nvar, nGcomp))
    s2[:, 1:] = 1. / (XBXjj.reshape(-1, 1) / dspr + 1 / sigmak2[1:])
    _muj = XTY - np.dot(X.T, dbglm) + XBXjj * binit
    mu = np.multiply(s2, _muj.reshape(-1,1)) / dspr
    R = np.sum(np.multiply(alpha, mu)[:, 1:], axis = 1)
    elbo_old = get_elbo(X, Y, dspr, alpha, mu, s2, logpi, sigmak2)
    pi_old = pi.copy()
    if debug:
        print(f"Starting ELBO: {elbo_old:.4f} Pi0: {pi[0]:.4f}")

    for it in range(maxiter):        
        # E-step
        for j in range(nvar):
            s2[j, 0] = 0.
            mu[j, 0] = 0.
            logalpha[j, 0] = logpi[0]
            _muj = XTY[j] - np.sum(np.multiply(dbglm, X[:, j])) + XBXjj[j] * R[j]
            for k in range(1, nGcomp):
                s2[j, k] = 1 / (XBXjj[j] / dspr + (1 / sigmak2[k]))
                mu[j, k] = s2[j, k] * _muj / dspr
                ssf = np.log(s2[j, k] / sigmak2[k])
                ssr = mu[j, k] * mu[j, k] / s2[j, k]
                logalpha[j, k] = logpi[k] + 0.5 * ssf + 0.5 * ssr
            maxL = np.max(logalpha[j, :])
            alpha[j, :]  = np.exp(logalpha[j, :] - maxL)
            alpha[j, :] /= np.sum(alpha[j, :])
            R[j] = np.sum(np.multiply(alpha[j, 1:], mu[j, 1:]))
            bglm, dbglm, ddbglm = get_btheta(X, R)
            XBXjj = np.einsum('i,ij,ij->j', ddbglm, X, X)           
        # M-step
        #R = np.sum(np.multiply(alpha, mu)[:, 1:], axis = 1)
        #bglm, dbglm, ddbglm = get_btheta(X, R)
        bk = np.sum(alpha, axis = 0) + a_dirich
        pi = bk / np.sum(bk)
        logpi = digamma(bk) - digamma(np.sum(bk))

        elbo = get_elbo(X, Y, dspr, alpha, mu, s2, logpi, sigmak2)
        eps_elbo = elbo - elbo_old
        eps_pi = max([abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(pi, pi_old)])
        if debug and (it % debug_step == 0):
            print(f"Iteration {it}. ELBO: {elbo:.4f} Pi0: {pi[0]:.4f} epsilon: {eps_pi:.4f}, {eps_elbo:.4f}")
        Check termination, continue otherwise.
        if eps_pi < tol:
        Keep this step in memory.
        Use deep copy to avoid in place substitutions.
        pi_old    = pi.copy()
        elbo_old  = elbo
    return pi, alpha, mu, s2, R

Create a data frame for result summary

# collapse-hide 

res_df = [pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Method', 'RMSE', 'MeanPoisDev', 'Gini Index']) for n in nsample]

data_Xbeta = [np.dot(Xtest[i], beta[i])                              for i in range(len(nsample))]
data_mpd   = [mean_poisson_deviance(Ytest[i], np.exp(data_Xbeta[i])) for i in range(len(nsample))]
data_rmse  = [np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(Ytest[i], Ytest[i]))        for i in range(len(nsample))]
data_gini  = [gini(beta[i])                                          for i in range(len(nsample))]

for i in range(len(nsample)):
    res_df[i] = res_df[i].append(pd.DataFrame([['Data', data_rmse[i], data_mpd[i], data_gini[i]]], 
                                              columns = res_df[i].columns))


  • Poisson Regressor (GLM_py)

# collapse-hide

clf = [linear_model.PoissonRegressor(alpha = 1.0/n, fit_intercept = False, max_iter = 5000) for n in nsample]

for i, n in enumerate(nsample):
    clf[i].fit(X[i], Y[i])

clf_Xbeta = [np.dot(Xtest[i], clf[i].coef_)                         for i in range(len(nsample))]
clf_mpd   = [mean_poisson_deviance(Ytest[i], 
                                   clf[i].predict(Xtest[i]))        for i in range(len(nsample))]
clf_rmse  = [np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(Ytest[i], 
                                        clf[i].predict(Xtest[i])))  for i in range(len(nsample))]
clf_gini  = [gini(clf[i].coef_)                                     for i in range(len(nsample))]

for i in range(len(nsample)):
    res_df[i] = res_df[i].append(pd.DataFrame([['GLM_Py', clf_rmse[i], clf_mpd[i], clf_gini[i]]], 
                                              columns = res_df[i].columns))
  • RMF Ash

# collapse-hide

pi =    [None for n in nsample]
alpha = [None for n in nsample]
mu =    [None for n in nsample]
s2 =    [None for n in nsample]
R =     [None for n in nsample]

for i in range(len(nsample)):

    binit = np.repeat(0.1, nvar[i])
    dspr = 1.
    pi[i], alpha[i], mu[i], s2[i], R[i] = ash_rmf(X[i], Y[i], sigmak2, dspr, binit, 
                                                  tol = 1e-4, debug_step = 1, maxiter = 1000, 
                                                  pi0 = sparsity, sparse_init = True)

RMFash_Xbeta = [np.dot(Xtest[i], R[i])            for i in range(len(nsample))]
RMFash_rmse  = [np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(Ytest[i], np.exp(RMFash_Xbeta[i])))  
                                                 for i in range(len(nsample))]
RMFash_mpd   = [mean_poisson_deviance(Ytest[i], np.exp(RMFash_Xbeta[i]))
                                                 for i in range(len(nsample))]
RMFash_gini  = [gini(R[i])                        for i in range(len(nsample))]
for i in range(len(nsample)):
    res_df[i] = res_df[i].append(pd.DataFrame([['RMFash', RMFash_rmse[i], RMFash_mpd[i], RMFash_gini[i]]], 
                                              columns = res_df[i].columns))
Starting ELBO: -4.4354 Pi0: 0.9500
Iteration 0. ELBO: 61.3588 Pi0: 0.8153 epsilon: 0.1347, 65.7942
Iteration 1. ELBO: 97.7332 Pi0: 0.8012 epsilon: 0.0141, 36.3744
Iteration 2. ELBO: 107.0775 Pi0: 0.8171 epsilon: 0.0159, 9.3443
Iteration 3. ELBO: 108.3864 Pi0: 0.8365 epsilon: 0.0194, 1.3090
Iteration 4. ELBO: 105.8557 Pi0: 0.8467 epsilon: 0.0101, -2.5307
Iteration 5. ELBO: 103.9877 Pi0: 0.8526 epsilon: 0.0059, -1.8680
Iteration 6. ELBO: 103.1370 Pi0: 0.8550 epsilon: 0.0024, -0.8507
Iteration 7. ELBO: 102.8426 Pi0: 0.8558 epsilon: 0.0008, -0.2944
Iteration 8. ELBO: 102.7293 Pi0: 0.8562 epsilon: 0.0004, -0.1133
Iteration 9. ELBO: 102.6860 Pi0: 0.8563 epsilon: 0.0003, -0.0433
Iteration 10. ELBO: 102.6789 Pi0: 0.8563 epsilon: 0.0002, -0.0071
Iteration 11. ELBO: 102.6926 Pi0: 0.8563 epsilon: 0.0002, 0.0137
Iteration 12. ELBO: 102.7179 Pi0: 0.8563 epsilon: 0.0001, 0.0253
Iteration 13. ELBO: 102.7493 Pi0: 0.8562 epsilon: 0.0001, 0.0314
Iteration 14. ELBO: 102.7833 Pi0: 0.8562 epsilon: 0.0001, 0.0340
Starting ELBO: -34.6152 Pi0: 0.9500
Iteration 0. ELBO: 554.7168 Pi0: 0.6165 epsilon: 0.3335, 589.3320
Iteration 1. ELBO: 739.7164 Pi0: 0.5126 epsilon: 0.1039, 184.9995
Iteration 2. ELBO: 793.7492 Pi0: 0.4904 epsilon: 0.0505, 54.0328
Iteration 3. ELBO: 822.3160 Pi0: 0.4936 epsilon: 0.0434, 28.5668
Iteration 4. ELBO: 839.4471 Pi0: 0.5066 epsilon: 0.0369, 17.1311
Iteration 5. ELBO: 853.0017 Pi0: 0.5332 epsilon: 0.0273, 13.5545
Iteration 6. ELBO: 864.5434 Pi0: 0.5708 epsilon: 0.0376, 11.5418
Iteration 7. ELBO: 875.2485 Pi0: 0.6284 epsilon: 0.0576, 10.7050
Iteration 8. ELBO: 883.3743 Pi0: 0.7007 epsilon: 0.0723, 8.1258
Iteration 9. ELBO: 888.2819 Pi0: 0.7878 epsilon: 0.0871, 4.9076
Iteration 10. ELBO: 885.3139 Pi0: 0.8421 epsilon: 0.0543, -2.9680
Iteration 11. ELBO: 879.8840 Pi0: 0.8705 epsilon: 0.0284, -5.4299
Iteration 12. ELBO: 876.8490 Pi0: 0.8813 epsilon: 0.0117, -3.0350
Iteration 13. ELBO: 875.5224 Pi0: 0.8854 epsilon: 0.0052, -1.3267
Iteration 14. ELBO: 874.8940 Pi0: 0.8872 epsilon: 0.0026, -0.6284
Iteration 15. ELBO: 874.5743 Pi0: 0.8881 epsilon: 0.0013, -0.3196
Iteration 16. ELBO: 874.4043 Pi0: 0.8885 epsilon: 0.0007, -0.1700
Iteration 17. ELBO: 874.3116 Pi0: 0.8887 epsilon: 0.0004, -0.0928
Iteration 18. ELBO: 874.2602 Pi0: 0.8889 epsilon: 0.0002, -0.0514
Iteration 19. ELBO: 874.2315 Pi0: 0.8889 epsilon: 0.0001, -0.0287
Iteration 20. ELBO: 874.2154 Pi0: 0.8890 epsilon: 0.0001, -0.0161


i = 0
print (f'N = {nsample[i]}, P = {nvar[i]}')
N = 50, P = 100
Method RMSE MeanPoisDev Gini Index
0 Data 0.000000 0.958816 0.973966
0 GLM_Py 4.018096 4.025671 0.457245
0 RMFash 3.403723 2.152954 0.936828
i = 1
print (f'N = {nsample[i]}, P = {nvar[i]}')
N = 200, P = 100
Method RMSE MeanPoisDev Gini Index
0 Data 0.000000 0.924448 0.986267
0 GLM_Py 7.933123 3.604094 0.540465
0 RMFash 2.063969 0.951480 0.981020

Calibration of predictions

To ensure that the methods yield reasonable predictions, we can bin test samples according to observed $\mathbf{y}$. Then for each bin, we plot the mean predicted $\langle\mathbf{y}_{\mathrm{pred}}\rangle$ in the log scale.

# collapse-hide

n_bins = 40

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16, 8))
ax = [fig.add_subplot(121),

for i, n in enumerate(nsample):
    whichX = Xtest[i].copy()
    whichY = Ytest[i].copy()
    idx_sort = np.argsort(whichY)
    q = np.arange(0, 1, 1/n_bins) + 0.5/n_bins
    seg_true = np.zeros(n_bins)
    seg_clf  = np.zeros(n_bins)
    seg_RMF  = np.zeros(n_bins)

    for j, sl in enumerate(gen_even_slices(len(whichY), n_bins)):
        seg_true[j] = np.average(whichY[idx_sort][sl])
    ax[i].scatter(q, np.log(seg_true+1), s = 10, label = 'Observations')
    ax[i].plot(q, np.log(seg_true+1))

    Xbeta_clf = np.dot(whichX, clf[i].coef_)
    Ypred_clf = clf[i].predict(whichX)
    for j, sl in enumerate(gen_even_slices(len(whichY), n_bins)):
        seg_clf[j] = np.average(Ypred_clf[idx_sort][sl])
    ax[i].scatter(q, np.log(seg_clf + 1), s = 10, label = 'GLM_py')
    ax[i].plot(q, np.log(seg_clf + 1))

    Xbeta_RMF = np.dot(whichX, R[i])
    Ypred_RMF = np.exp(Xbeta_RMF)
    for j, sl in enumerate(gen_even_slices(len(whichY), n_bins)):
        seg_RMF[j] = np.average(Ypred_RMF[idx_sort][sl])
    ax[i].scatter(q, np.log(seg_RMF + 1), s = 10, label = 'RMFash')
    ax[i].plot(q, np.log(seg_RMF + 1))

    leg = ax[i].legend(markerscale = 4)

    ax[i].set_xlabel('Fraction of samples')
    ax[i].set_ylabel(r'$\log (\langle{Y}\rangle + 1)$')
    ax[i].set_title(f'N = {nsample[i]}, P = {nvar[i]}', pad = 20)
plt.tight_layout(pad = 2.0)

Evaluation of ranking power

To evaluate the ranking power, I used the Lorenz curve. It is popularly used in economics to describe inequality in wealth but can be instructive here due to the sparsity in $\mathbf{y}$. We rank the samples based on predicted $\mathbf{y}$ for each model. The sample threshold is shown on the x-axis, and the cumulative sum of $\mathbf{y}$ up to the corresponding ranked sample is shown on the y-axis. Both axes are scaled to 1.

# collapse-hide

def lorenz_curve(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = np.asarray(y_true), np.asarray(y_pred)
    nsample = y_true.shape[0]
    ranking = np.argsort(y_pred)
    ranked_y = y_true[ranking]
    cumulated_y = np.cumsum(ranked_y).astype(float)
    cumulated_y /= cumulated_y[-1]
    cumulated_obs = np.cumsum(np.repeat(1., nsample))
    cumulated_obs /= cumulated_obs[-1]
    return cumulated_obs, cumulated_y

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16, 8))
ax = [fig.add_subplot(121),

for i, n in enumerate(nsample):
    whichX = Xtest[i].copy()
    whichY = Ytest[i].copy()
    cum_obs, cum_y = lorenz_curve(whichY, whichY)
    ax[i].plot(cum_obs, cum_y, label = "Observation")
    cum_obs, cum_y = lorenz_curve(whichY, clf[i].predict(whichX))
    ax[i].plot(cum_obs, cum_y, label = "GLM_py")

    cum_obs, cum_y = lorenz_curve(whichY, np.exp(np.dot(whichX, R[i])))
    ax[i].plot(cum_obs, cum_y, label = "RMFash")
    rand_idx = np.arange(len(whichY))
    cum_obs, cum_y = lorenz_curve(whichY, whichY[rand_idx])
    ax[i].plot(cum_obs, cum_y, linestyle="dotted", color="black", label="Random")

    leg = ax[i].legend(handlelength = 1.5)

    ax[i].set_xlabel('Ranked samples')
    ax[i].set_ylabel('Cumulative sum of Y')
    ax[i].set_title(f'N = {nsample[i]}, P = {nvar[i]}', pad = 20)
plt.tight_layout(pad = 2.0)

1. For a review of sparsity indices, see Harley and Rickard (2009). Comparing Measures of Sparsity. arXiv. DOI: arXiv:0811.4706v2